Example sentences of "[noun] might [verb] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The role that DNA structure-specific proteins might play in the antitumor mechanism of cisplatin is of particular interest .
2 This will be followed by a look at some of the broader possible implications of fairness , and the way in which that term might aid in the development of procedural forms other than classical adjudication .
3 The physical clues to his son 's murder might lie in the Laboratory ; the clue to the man himself lay elsewhere .
4 It dominates the town from any direction , looking across the river and seeming to peer cautiously at the last limb of the Jura mountains in the distance , a reminder of the days when an enemy might appear in the valley below .
5 The recommendation following upon an assessment might result in a child with a hearing disability being placed in a local primary school rather than in a special unit for children who are deaf or partially hearing .
6 Maybe the kittens might sit in the kettle or something .
7 In terms of television these conflicts might arise in the deployment of outside broadcast units .
8 But it must have been a temptation in poor working-class communities , where virginity in any case was not sacred , where the stigma against extra-marital sex was weak , and where a prostitute could earn in half an hour what a respectable girl might earn in a week .
9 While the principle of the Charter can be broadly supported there needs to be further consideration of its implications and the true influence that the Regional Council might have in the campaign .
10 First , it may be recalled that in Chapter 2 , I concluded discussion of habitation by allowing the possibility that simple exposure to a stimulus might result in the formation of an increasingly detailed and well-specified representation of it .
11 Nevertheless , at Scone on the 5th February 1284 , Alexander made all the estates of Scotland bind themselves by oath to acknowledge the Maid of Norway as his heir , failing any children Alexander might have in the future .
12 A second possible way in which the existence of A-X and B-Y associations might facilitate the discrimination between A and B follows if it can be allowed that different associations might differ in the ease with which they are remembered .
13 Sun might shine in the morning , but by afternoon the clouds can have gathered' .
14 Brandon J. noted that Mareva injunctions had been made to provide security for the payment of any award which the plaintiff might obtain in the arbitration , and he saw ‘ no good reason ’ against this practice .
15 The notion that an enzyme might exist in a number of forms decided purely on probability is anathema to many scientists .
16 The truth of these assumptions — that Britain is a particularly regulated economy where enterprise might flourish in the wake of decontrol — is by no means held universally .
17 The managers might behave in a way that benefits themselves and does not maximize shareholders ' wealth .
18 What problems might arise in the future ?
19 For example : — a distribution manager might debrief a distribution simulation , — a planner might participate in a public enquiry on land development , — a trade unionist might participate in a health and safety audit in a science laboratory .
20 Another factor which may influence the chances of conventional videodisc players is that in the 1990s , the collection of high quality , permanent recordings of movies and other programming might appeal in a way it never could in the early 1980s .
21 HM Land Registry have indicated that this priority might fail in the event of the lodging of a valid charge by the husband 's mortgagee , as strictly the wife is not , in their view , a purchaser for valuable consideration .
22 Any tribunal might err in a finding that it makes : no tribunal is infallible .
23 Downstairs Scarlet put what are known as the ‘ last touches ’ to her dinner table , reflecting that this was a term an undertaker might employ in the course of his duties .
24 It was foreseen that difficult situations might arise in the operation of such a scheme , for example two elderly dementia sufferers could live next door to one another , one able to receive support from the action project and the other not .
25 Rather it is a complementary approach to the human past ; one which , by looking at the ways in which people used the land and the effect they had on it throughout human history , can enhance our grasp of how the environment might change in the future .
26 This optimism is keyed to the possibility that the US might lead in a field in which superiority is not a national goal .
27 Edito r , — C J McCullough rightly draws attention to the part that the royal colleges might play in a reassessment of the present system of delivering health care .
28 The partners for the time being should not exclude the possibility of negotiation to take account of the particular circumstances of a partner 's departure , eg where to delay payment for his share could result in hardship for himself or his family , or where to insist on strict observance of restraint covenants might stand in the way of a young solicitor wishing to develop a specialised practice in a field of work rarely undertaken by the firm .
29 Of course the secret might lie in the card alone . ’
30 There was a rule no one had thought to have changed , to the effect that members might reside in the club indefinitely if the butler was agreeable .
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