Example sentences of "[noun] still [verb] the [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Brin Weare still has the silk escape map of Europe that was issued to him in April 1944 .
2 Brin Weare still has the silk escape map of Europe that was issued to him in April 1944 .
3 His 259 Palace appearances keep him high on our all-time charts while his 90 League goals still remain the club record in the post-war era .
4 With Maisie still keeping the regulation distance between the two of them , he almost ran after the headmaster , swinging his arms crazily and taking strides so long that a casual observer might have been forgiven for assuming that he , too , was practising the art of Islamic dancing .
5 It is therefore entirely appropriate that today Pompeii still represents the cutting edge of archaeological research and development .
6 Michael Ledeen , an academic and consultant who did much to promote the Iran venture , took heart from the fact that when an arms shipment went disastrously wrong , in November 1985 , the Iranians still gave the crew caviar on their flight out of Iran .
7 It 's a wonder any parts are left at all , what with debts of £6.5m and Sir John Hall still waging the boardroom battle that has very nearly claimed the club itself as the ultimate , ironic , victim .
8 Merrydown still leads the vintage cider market , but Purdey admits that ‘ margins are being nibbled ’ .
9 Rhodesia had long presented an affront to Ghana and other Black African states , yet Nkrumah still valued the Commonwealth connection sufficiently to support Britain 's compromise proposals .
10 The magnificent medieval sculpture , some of the finest in England , and marvellous high ceiling still give The Chapter House a spiritual quality .
11 Around the world today , more than 100 countries still retain the death penalty , and two out of every three human beings live under governments that use torture and other cruel , inhuman and degrading treatment against them .
12 You must remember , sir , that at the time of the Carew murder Mr Hyde still had the laboratory key with him .
13 Tornado alerts were broadcast throughout the afternoon but the crowds still hit the pilgrimage trail to the Arkansas capital .
14 ‘ Breast milk still provides the gold standard by which infant feeds are measured , because human milk is uniquely formulated to provide the nutritional needs of the baby , ’ said Professor Dodge .
15 TEN years after prison bride Anna Moore brutally murdered his youngest daughter , Dick Dixon still believes the Ballykelly bomber should have been hanged .
16 A remarkable hydraulic lift still plies the cliff face between the high promenade and the pier , and there are some imposing villas , but the grandest of grand hotels has been turned into flats .
17 c Some non-CFC aerosol propellants still damage the ozone layer .
18 Scottish Comment : McHarg still banging the exiles drum
19 ‘ Do n't be frightened , ’ Guy said at once , his own hand still grasping the postern gate .
20 The old grey wood , though still dampish , looked as adequate for its purpose as its fellows still forming the boathouse floor and did n't seem to have been weakened in any way .
21 Laura Davies still relishes the Solheim Cup win over the states .
22 The hand lying on the white counterpane still clutched the telephone token but neither of them mentioned it .
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