Example sentences of "[noun] must be [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The implications of such a change must be recognised by management and by the public .
2 Sainsbury 's has just begun introducing products with the new format for presenting nutrition information , this change must be completed by October 1993 .
3 But any suggestion of confidence in the players ' ability to perform on the field must be tempered by worries over their ability to handle life off it .
4 If Target pays Newco only the economic value of the group relief , £33 , then the remaining interest of £67 must be funded by payments of dividends from Target to Newco .
5 Essays must be submitted by August 1 — the conference runs from August 7 to 12 — and full details and a copy of the rules can be obtained from Basil at Greenmount College , Co Antrim , telephone 08494 , 62114 .
6 Now , there is a basic constitutional principle , embodied in the Bill of Rights of 1688/9 , that the levying of taxes must be authorized by statute , and so there is an argument for saying that non-statutory rules made by the Revenue which effectively determine a taxpayer 's liability to tax are ‘ unconstitutional ’ .
7 Entry forms must be received by Monday January 4 1993 .
8 A small winter meeting of select counsellors considered issues likely to arise in the coming year : an example , says Hincmar , is the decision on whether to renew or break a truce on a particular part of the frontier , given that trouble in one part must be offset by stability in another .
9 In Cocks v Thanet District Council [ 1983 ] 2 AC 286 it was held that challenges to administrative decisions made by local authorities must be made by application for judicial review , rather than by actions for breach of statutory duty .
10 To take full advantage of the facilities offered by these systems , keyboard skills must be acquired by users who wish to interact efficiently with the machines .
11 To make most rivers navigable , the water level must be raised by building weirs ; there is little doubt that the navigation structures built on the Leicestershire Soar in the 1770s worsened the local drainage , as did eighteenth- and nineteenth-century navigation works on the Thames and in Somerset .
12 The other reason is that these activities must be backed by capital reserves , as in the case of banks .
13 A big animal , it is early maturing , rapid in growth and good for intensive rearing without putting on fat , but its major characteristic is its extreme double-muscling , which is an advantage in the eyes of the butcher ( the meat is very lean ) but a considerable disadvantage for purebred cows , who in almost all cases must be calved by caesarian section : the muscling interferes with natural calving .
14 Its appraisal must be made by reference to the market position and the economic and financial power of the parties ; to alternatives available to suppliers and users ; to access to suppliers or markets ; to the structure of the markets affected , to take account of international competition ; to consider legal and factual barriers to entry ; and the interests of consumers and the development of technical and economic progress ( provided that the latter is to the consumers ' advantage and does not form an obstacle to competition ) .
15 The only rule in componential analysis is that every opposition must be classified by plus or minus values on a single dimension ; [ +/; — female ] would be equally valid , and the fact that the analysts chose the other alternative doubtless reflects their ( predictable ) perception that men are the norm of humanity .
16 In the final analysis , however , if the AOC laws are applied effectively , all Champagnes must be passed by laboratory analysis and an organoleptic test ( blind tasting ) which should assure its future quality and reputation , whatever figures are found in the regulation books .
17 Coming from a country where the use of the appropriate word is more important than a gesture in daily life , both choreographers have resolved that words must be replaced by gestures within the choreographic design .
18 Pictures must be delivered by hand to these newspapers on the day that they are taken .
19 This gap must be financed by borrowing or selling assets .
20 Because it is necessary to record the value of members ' holdings , the vote must be taken by way of a poll .
21 The bread sauce is certainly a mammoth task and involves an entire morning 's work , as the breadcrumbs must be crumbled by hand .
22 Proof of this crime must be established by confession or by four witnesses .
23 Entries must be received by Nov 30 .
24 All entries must be received by March 31 , 1991 .
25 Entries must be received by Oct 19 in order for the results to be published in the December issue .
26 All entries must be submitted by August 31st 1990 to the Editor of PHOTOGRAPHY , .
27 Force must be countered by force .
28 The informatics Law must be changed by Congress , which is clearly opposed .
29 All work must be written by pupils and marked with names , ages , and the name , address and telephone number of the school and a teacher contact .
30 I applaud Nissan for having a high training budget , but decisions of that type must be taken by companies .
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