Example sentences of "[noun] must have [verb] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Rather , they recognise that such ‘ nonstandard dialects are highly structured systems ’ and that ‘ the adult or child who uses these rules must have formed at some level of psychological organisation clear concepts of ‘ tense marker ’ , ‘ verb phrase ’ , ‘ rule ordering ’ , ‘ sentence embedding ’ , ‘ pronoun ’ and many other grammatical categories which are essential parts of any logical system ’ ( ibid. p. 45 ) .
2 Napoleon must have felt like that in Russia , 120 years before . ’
3 He and Richard must have heard about these things but in general they had failed to register .
4 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
5 After a while , the villagers suspected that their priest must have stumbled across some sort of treasure , for how else could the funding of his good works be explained ?
6 Eve must have felt like this on the way east out of Eden , ’ she thought .
7 Some mammalian families must have migrated to that continent and evolved there in isolation from the rest of the world .
8 Almost everyone there was a member of a guild , and since the population can hardly have exceeded 1,000 some people must have belonged to several .
9 I 'd never even noticed the one next door , but the herb must have come from that
10 My second uncle must have slept in this room .
11 Theo must have known in any case : he was always his parents ' confidant and advisor , as well as his brother 's .
12 The calories provided by the extra alcohol , sugar , and chocolate were some 500 to 600 per day , and as Alan did not gain weight during the experiment we know that his intake of good foods must have fallen by this amount , some 25 per cent of his normal daily intake .
13 A lot of women must have suffered in those
14 The cut where the wing had been severed was quite clean , and the blood had dried up , so she concluded that the poor bird must have flown through some overhead wires in the vicinity during the severe gales we 'd had the night before .
15 A line of pikemen must have looked like some kind of rampaging porcupine . ’
16 His personal effects were valued at less than £1,000 , but the family must have lived in some style , since one of the witnesses to the will was the resident coachman .
17 His appeal must have met with some response because although some hundreds of people did leave for Fort-de-France , many hundreds more sought refuge in St Pierre itself , flocking in from the surrounding countryside , so that on the morning of 8 May , as many as 30,000 people were probably crowding the town .
18 The house must have looked like this , he thought , when his parents first arrived , more than thirty years ago .
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