Example sentences of "[noun] should [verb] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Within that framework schools and education authorities are in the best position to judge the particular form which the curriculum should take in the light of each school 's individual circumstances and the needs of its pupils .
2 If such mutations should occur in the CAG cluster of the N-Oct 3 gene it might easily lead to loss of function by aberrantly expanding the bona fide transcription activation domain , or to loss of DNA-binding if a frame shift is introduced .
3 You may recall from your studies of Corporate Strategy that the identification of a market opportunity should result in the development of a product/market strategy .
4 In the event , historians ’ needs and thus the role that the computer should play in the classroom are overlooked .
5 It also contains principles that all member states should observe in the conduct of pensions investment , on the grounds of prudence .
6 He knew what it meant that Marcus should stay in the room whilst Bill managed for three consecutive hours to make a series of acceptably banal factual observations .
7 Since an average-sized woman would be eating 2,000–2,300 calories a day to maintain her normal weight , the reduction should result in a loss of about 2lb a week .
8 It should be emphasised at the outset that this is an assumption , not an empirically established or necessary truth : what theory dictates should happen in a state of perfect competition may not occur in real , imperfect markets .
9 The nature of the obligation is simply that of an obligation to repay money which has been received and it is neither necessary nor logical , simply because the conditions of repayment relate to the performance of covenants in a lease , that the transfer of the reversion should create in the transferee an additional and co-extensive obligation to pay money which he has never received and in which he never had any interest or that the assignment of the term should vest in the assignee the right to receive a sum which he has never paid …
10 If the problem is one of bedwetting then the chart should go in the child 's bedroom .
11 He was appalled that such a story should appear in a newspaper , and the council , he said , would meet to determine what should be done about it .
12 The memorandum of agreement stipulated that neither side should interfere in the other 's internal affairs .
13 So , the result should move in the direction of an open information society and away from the oligarchic tendencies to be seen in much political party management of local discussion .
14 They then progressed to half-pass ; coming up the centre line and then performing half-pass towards E. Jennie told Katharine to keep her inside leg on the girth , as the horse should bend in the direction of the movement , as opposed to leg-yielding where the horse keeps in a straight line .
15 The court can not be relied on to imply a term that the parties should co-operate in the appointment of a replacement : see 8.17.4 .
16 Secondly , although the doctrine of frustration applies to agreements for lease , it would be only in quite exceptional circumstances where an agreement would be set aside on the grounds of frustration and it is suggested that the parties should provide in the agreement for either party to rescind the agreement in the event of substantial damage to the premises or the site prior to completion .
17 It seems surprising that the gravitational force should dominate in the Universe .
18 These statements suggested that schools and LEAs should engage in an analysis of the curriculum and they offered possible kinds of analyses , as well as prescriptions for the curriculum itself .
19 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
20 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
21 The two sides disagreed on whether 100,000 Moroccan soldiers and thousands of Moroccan administrators should remain in the region during the referendum , the Polisario officials insisting that they be withdrawn beforehand , while Morocco offered to confine them to their garrisons .
22 There is ample room in that account of the situation for the further stipulation that the judge should decide in a way that engages his own political or moral convictions as little as possible and gives as much deference as possible to institutions conventionally authorized to make law .
23 The resistor should go in the signal line , inside the actual jack plug coming from the transmitter .
24 Good estate management should result in the landlord maintaining an even balance of trades but the following clause is nevertheless prudent : Not to permit or suffer any [ adjoining or neighbouring premises in the ownership or control of the Landlord ] [ other premises in the Centre ] to be used for the business from time to time being carried on in the Premises
25 Laing has some strong convictions about the role major companies should play in the community as a whole .
26 Access Opinions Ltd. asked a number of Labour Members for their views on taxation and what the Chancellor should do in the Budget .
27 A Kurdish autonomous area would be established after four years ; a Kurd appointed vice-president of Iraq ; only Kurdish-speaking officials should serve in the region .
28 Thirdly , the principle that users and carers should participate in the assessment process is a theme throughout the various government publications .
29 Consistent underuse of the overlap period should result in a review of the off-duty system to reduce overlap .
30 ‘ It is my wish that my Clerk Mr. Prince who is well acquainted with my business and affairs and in whom I place great confidence should continue in the management and conduct of the same … to sell and dispose or exchange all or any of my works on Ornithology and specimens of Natural History in the manner I have been accustom to do … to continue or complete as far as practicable the publication of any work or works of mine on Ornithology and to do all other [ illegible ] by issuing a Prospectus advertising the same … to purchase all necessary materials articles and things fit and proper for the carrying on of my business … to borrow for a temporary period any money from my Bankers , Messrs Drummond and Company … and if there by any surplus available for the purpose to invest the same in purchase of Stock … to pay the rent and taxes … make up , adjust and settle all and every or any Accounts … [ and generally ] to do perform and execute all and every or any other acts deeds matters and things whatsoever are necessary to be done in all other my concerns engagements affairs and business whatsoever during my absence from England as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do if I were personally present and did the same . ’
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