Example sentences of "[noun] should [verb] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We shall see below how different schools have been involved in one or more of these types of situation , but for the present two illustrations should suffice to demonstrate the potential of this classification .
2 All that should be done is that , if that improbable and unlikely event ever takes place , the courts should decline to enforce the clause .
3 The scientist should try to prove the hypothesis wrong .
4 It was in favour of retaining the existing partnership in adult education between voluntary bodies ( notably the WEA ) , the universities , the local education authorities and the Ministry of Education ; the Ministry should continue to grant-aid the teaching costs of Responsible Bodies , local authorities ( if sympathetic ) their administrative costs ( Recommendations 1 , 4 , 13 ) .
5 Again , the defenders should endeavour to keep the initiative .
6 Above all , the drafter should attempt to minimise the scope for dispute about the meaning or effect of the terms .
7 The tenant 's adviser should seek to restrict the power to the making of reasonable regulations .
8 Furthermore , now that solicitors are strongly recommended to provide information about costs in advance the Society will carry out a review of whether clients should continue to have the right to ask the Society to reduce a solicitor ; s bill by the remuneration certificate process .
9 The only job vacancies in Angleside are for interviewers in the Social Security office , where the furniture is screwed to the floor in case the clients should try to assault the interviewers with it .
10 This is the problem of which of two innocent third parties should have to suffer the consequences .
11 If the new institutions of the state and government are weak , it is not surprising that those in command should try to prevent the press from undermining public confidence in them .
12 With no less force than on the dog 's behalf might the third-party claim that the law should intervene to see the job is done , but there would be no inclination to talk of the right of the grave to be maintained .
13 The law should intervene to prevent the deficiencies of a house from severely impairing the ability of the occupants to make a home …
14 ‘ What will happen in many years to come if the prince and princess should choose to divorce the future only knows . ’
15 The ideological demand that communists should seek to improve the accommodation of the people was subordinate to the aspiration to house them in such a way as to make it easier to supervise them and mould them as the Party saw fit .
16 Can you please phone me to let me know when Corby should expect to see the title ?
17 But the time should still be only a few minutes and the parent should go to collect the child and indicate when it is appropriate to join the family again .
18 Naturally , it is unfair that developing countries should have to forgo the luxuries that make life more comfortable such as fridges and air conditioning , but it is essential that the West makes available the best technology so that they can produce ozone friendly equipment .
19 The master expected his servant to increase his own personal wealth , a situation that is exactly analogous with the generally accepted microeconomic concept that management should seek to maximize the wealth of their ordinary ( equity ) shareholders .
20 This exercise should help to clarify the kind of theoretical and practical knowledge you need to update and give you valuable insight into the nature of the job before you return to practice safely and enjoyably .
21 This depreciation should tend to offset the effects of the domestic inflation .
22 If it is unnecessarily bureaucratic the engineer should seek to have the systems modified so that they contribute more cost effectively to improved quality .
23 But I ca n't help feeling that the IB should look to promote the game worldwide .
24 It can not be overstressed that the purchaser and vendor should continue to consider the need for approvals and clearances throughout the course of negotiations as a change in the terms of the transaction may trigger the relevant legislation which regulates anti-competitive practices , mergers and the creation or expansion of monopolies .
25 On the other hand , the vendor should seek to restrict the number of exemptions .
26 Therefore , the argument goes , governments should try to manage the rationalisation by making it easier for companies to co-operate across borders .
27 Sheldrake 's hypothesis predicts that the second group should learn to operate the machine more quickly .
28 The conference should aim to keep the ANC in the peace process , he said .
29 The standard formulation of the proper objective of management in the economics literature is that managers should seek to maximise the value of the firm , that is , the value of the residual after all fixed claims , such as those of the providers of loan finance and of employees , have been met .
30 There was broad agreement that the NAM should seek to represent the interests of countries of the South , especially within the UN .
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