Example sentences of "[noun] could [be] [verb] as a " in BNC.

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1 Critics of Fiat therefore argued that its bid could be seen as a defensive move to improve its domestic position and , perhaps more importantly , to prevent a competitor from obtaining Italian production facilities , which in the long run could pose a threat to Fiat .
2 He also added drily that religion could be used as a tool of control if sufficient political and financial power was behind it .
3 The document recognises that informal patronage could be seen as a response to widespread deficiencies in medical education , postgraduate training , appraisal , careers guidance , and appointments procedures .
4 Toby had a pencil with a blue one on the end it its scaly tail curled around the pencil and the head was spiked down the neck could be used as a rubber .
5 The capture of two 10lb bream from Grafham reservoir on fish imitating lures was treated as though the incidents were especially significant ; that lure fishing could be regarded as a specially good method for catching exceptionally big bream .
6 The result of each hybridisation experiment could be input as a list of the filter x-y coordinates of positive clones , or a list of positive microtitre well coordinates or the optical density value of each spot on the filter .
7 If this is done carefully , the ends of the stopped chamfer template could be used as a useful small square .
8 Although the brief for the study could be regarded as a loose one , the full SSM was not formally applied by moving deliberately through each of the SSM stages , although in retrospect there were many similarities .
9 This study could be seen as a pilot study that gives an intimation that if one has the right methodology the data which is yielded can be richer than that created from other methods .
10 5.9.5 On a permitted assignment to a private limited company and if the Landlord shall reasonably so require to procure that a guarantor or guarantors reasonably acceptable to the Landlord enter into direct covenants with the Landlord in the form of the Guarantor 's covenant contained in this Lease with " the Assignee " substituted for " the Tenant " There are various matters to be considered in connection with a permitted underlease ( not the least of which being as to whether the tenant should be allowed to underlet part or parts of the premises as well as to whole ) , eg : ( 1 ) In respect of any permitted underlease it is better to remove reference to the landlord 's approval of the rent reserved by it , and if possible ( particularly in a falling market ) to remove reference to the rent being no less than the passing rent under the lease , although the landlord will normally object to this on the basis that a low underlease rent could be used as a comparable on any subsequent rent review under the lease .
11 Because the range of possible adaptations was unlimited , the relationships could be represented as a branching tree-like pattern , with new branches being added whenever some totally new ( and unpredictable ) form of animal life was discovered .
12 For these reasons , it will be necessary to have a much clearer understanding of the function of atk , and src genes in general , before somatic gene therapy could be proposed as a means of correcting the XLA defect in pre-B cells of the bone marrow .
13 Rational choice models , like class conspiracy theories , can be considered as micro-reductive variations on the dominant ideology thesis , just as , I suggested earlier , the concept of racism as necessary false consciousness could be regarded as a macro-reductive correlate of ‘ irrational prejudice ’ arguments .
14 Elizabethan England could be portrayed as a period before emigration to the American colonies began , before the ruptures between a British and American way of life existed .
15 The act could be regarded as a novus actus interveniens .
16 There are 12,500 on the Council 's waiting list for homes , but only a small proportion could be treated as a priority , she said .
17 Yesterday members of the authority 's development committee heard the North Road railway museum could be seen as a possible area for expansion .
18 Unless the US , upon withdrawal , left sufficient indigenous military strength to enable south Korea to defend itself against any but an overt act of aggression , US withdrawal could be interpreted as a betrayal by the US of its friends and allies in the Far East and might well lead to a fundamental realignment of forces in favour of the Soviet Union throughout that part of the world .
19 At last , the dirty , happy , noisy child could be accepted as a good child .
20 Retreating ice shelves could be expected as a result of global warming , but are not in themselves evidence of it .
21 Her argument is that Irigaray , as a psychoanalyst , sees psychoanalysis as a process of change rather than as a scientific theory : Irigaray 's work suggests ways in which psychoanalysis could be seen as a model for feminists seeking fundamental social change , in particular by proposing an alternative model for the relation between the rational and the non-rational which would be more satisfactory than the dominant paradigm .
22 Because still in 1988 , under the pressure of social instability and political crises , homosexuality could be regarded as a kind of privation or error , an ‘ inverted positivity ’ , an inimical , pernicious , inauthenticity always threatening to return from within the true and the authentic .
23 Whereas ‘ heterosexuality is the very essence of … classic realism ’ , a ‘ radical homosexuality ’ figures in modernity , particularly in its self-referentiality and narcissism ; indeed ‘ homosexuality could be construed as a creative rejection of the philosophic and conventional realism , of the mundanity and extroversion of classic and nineteenth century feeling ’ .
24 It would be a mistake , in Gandhi 's view , to allow ahi sā to become a fetish , and not to kill in certain circumstances could be regarded as a form of hi sā rather than ahi sā .
25 The current trend for publicly sited artworks could be viewed as a by-product of the postmodernist influences in the art world .
26 Following his return to Japan , Kaifu on Oct. 12 addressed the Japanese parliament at the beginning of a special 30-day session , called to discuss the issue of whether Japanese Self-Defence Force personnel could be sent as a " peace corps " of civilians and soldiers to participate in UN peacekeeping missions to the Gulf .
27 Whilst the self-appraisal might be viewed as the school 's attempt to defend its policies and practices , rather than to appraise itself , and to make a special case for extra resources and improved staffing , the inspection could be seen as a process of ensuring that the school was performing to an acceptable standard and that no serious problems existed in terms of teacher performance and in terms of resources needed to carry out the curriculum .
28 The milk and products could be marketed as a very Scottish speciality food , she said from her home near Kirriemuir .
29 In this respect camp , as Andrew Ross observes , anticipated many of the recent debates of sexual politics : ‘ in fact , camp could be seen as a much earlier , highly coded way of addressing those questions about sexual difference which have engaged non-essentialist feminists in recent years ’ ( No Respect , 161 ) .
30 On rare occasions , too , handcuffs could be applied as a punishment .
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