Example sentences of "[noun] up [prep] a [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The measures include the withdrawal of the right to belong to a trade union at GCHQ ; the drawing up of a poll tax register ; and , under the Local Government Act of 1989 , the restrictions placed on the political activities of all local government officers earning over £13,500 a year .
2 One such followed the 1919 Indian Jails Committee report , and another came shortly after Independence ; many of the new leaders had spent time in gaols , and devoted some attention to the problem in the 1950s ( including the drawing up of a Model Prison Manual in 1959 ) .
3 Running concurrently with this , was the drawing up of a policy statement about staff and parents working together .
4 In 1977 I visited Lesotho and worked together with colleagues in the Ministry of Education to recommend a possible strategy for primary school curriculum change in conjunction with the setting up of a Curriculum Development Centre funded by the World Bank and a parallel UNICEF programme to assist in the processes of syllabus and materials production and implementation .
5 In its 1969 report , the Committee on the Enforcement of Judgement Debts chaired by Mr Justice Payne recommended the setting up of a Court Enforcement Office , the functions of which would include assisting the creditor to obtain from the debtor ‘ as much as he can properly afford ’ , to liquidate the debts as soon as possible and to protect the debtor against undue hardship or harassment .
6 Attempts to regulate such services in 1988 led to the setting up of a compensation fund to pay the bills of unsuspecting parents .
7 A major initiative was the setting up of a degree course in Church Planting and Evangelism at Spurgeon 's College .
8 Britain also , of course , now has sizeable ethnic minorities and there has been considerable concern about their educational achievement , resulting in the setting up of a government committee of inquiry .
9 The conference recommended the setting up of a fundraising committee .
10 A sterner note prefaced another statement of intent , the setting up of a Standing Committee on Criminal Law Revision : ‘ In order that those deserving punishment shall not escape owing to defects in the criminal law ’ .
11 Sir : If Labour is to suggest the setting up of a specialist labour court ( 30 September ) , then such a momentous change in the industrial relations system deserves more discussion , and needs to be taken out of the hot-house of Labour Party conference politics .
12 Another calls the setting up of a clearing house to take over the running of the settlement from the Stock Exchange and a third for a quick move to rolling settlement , under which all share bargains are settle after a set number of days .
13 Where these exist , the setting up of a manufacturing subsidiary may be the only way to enter or stay in the market .
14 One of the agreements which our government signed at Rio , was for the setting up of a sustainability plan for a British economy , yet ever since the end of that conference , these proposals have been getting successfully watered down and deleted .
15 The Freshwater Fisheries ( Scotland ) Act , allowing the setting up of a Protection Order for catchment areas ; and several of these new orders are now in force , including one covering the Garry and Tummel Catchment Area .
16 It recommended better training and status for youth leaders , a building programme of new premises and facilities , and the setting up of a Youth Service Development Council .
17 At their first meeting after the blitz the General Purposes Committee recommended the setting up of a City Redevelopment Committee to consider ‘ the steps which it will be desirable for the municipality to take to secure a worthy replanning and redevelopment of the city ’ .
18 The Scott report , published in 1942 , urged the setting up of a planning system embracing the countryside as well as the town , mainly with a view to preserving the best agricultural land from urban development , but also recommending the setting up of national parks .
19 According to the preamble of the Act , it has become clear that the setting up of a stock exchange was necessary for ‘ enhancing the flow of capital and for the creation of a market in securities ’ , and last but not least for the purpose of protecting the interests of investors .
20 The president of Kazakhstan has gone further and demanded the setting up of a coalition government .
21 It 's for this reason that the setting up of a risk management group is considered the essential feature in the first step to control : identifying the risks relevant to a specific organisation .
22 It was devoted to the discussion of quality assurance , preparation of documentation , preparation for a validation event and the setting up of a college quality assurance mechanism .
23 NATO Defence Ministers attending a meeting of the Nuclear Planning Group ( NPG ) in Vilamoura , Portugal , on Oct. 24-25 ( see p. 36989 ) announced the setting up of a study group on NATO nuclear weapons policy .
24 Moreover pupils need to learn appropriate modes of behaviour for a range of off-site learning activities , e.g. a visit to a cathedral , a climb up to a hill fort , following a town heritage trail or exploring a castle .
25 ‘ When you are developing an act up to a record deal , you spend a lot of time with them , ’ confirms Doyle .
26 The police say they acted after hearing reports of drug dealing in the run up to a warehouse party .
27 Dress your child up in a clown outfit and paint on a sad face .
28 If the poll tax really became a tax on voting , was it non-registering residents , rather than any enthusiasm for Major or Lang , that pushed the Tory percentage in Scotland up from a poll average of about 21 to an actual 25.5 per cent , and proportionately diminished the impact of the Labour and SNP campaigns ?
29 For letters and packages up to a weight limit of 2kg you can simply pay £1.95 in addition to the normal airmail postage for the weight and destination and affix a red SWIFTAIR sticker to each item .
30 So Last night 's league match at the Link Centre in Swindon was curtain up on a dress rehearsal .
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