Example sentences of "[noun] up [prep] the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 One thin , ring-studded hand held the skirt up at the front but the back went trail , trail , trail on the ground , sweeping up wisps of hay with the feathers .
2 Then he shot his legs up into the sky and slid down without a splash .
3 What is wrong , what is wrong with increasing the levels of education in our schools up to the quality and level of education offered by the C T C ?
4 I climbed the steps up onto the lock and knocked on the door of the lock-keeper 's house , and through great good fortune found him at home .
5 But Mr Tomlinson built his own bonnet , mudguards and steps up to the cab and set in louvred vents either side of the bonnet to let out the heat produced by the massive engine .
6 She was wandering about the room , pulling the covers up on the bed and tidying up half-heartedly , waiting for the kettle on the gas-ring to boil .
7 It is a quiet and comfortable village to stop in , as I know from having stopped there , with good walks up into the hills and good fishing — for trout , which begin to come into their own around here as the mountain fish .
8 A sharp wind whipped the fallen snow up into the air and blew it into every hole and corner .
9 However , the three-way tone section allows this to be EQ 'd out and careful setting up of the guitar and amp or PA enables the 1992-H to put out a most convincing acoustic sound .
10 The paper will discuss the potential of the 1991 Census for social research , the problems which must be acknowledged and how it may be used in conjunction with data from previous Censuses ; it will also describe the setting up of the service and the technical problems in managing such large datasets .
11 Rachel was relieved that everything seemed to be running so smoothly , not only with the setting up of the chat-line but with the new , easygoing atmosphere in the centre .
12 In both Byzantium and Islam the surface enrichment , though opposed in motivation and manner , draws the eyes up to the arches and the vaulting .
13 ‘ You can take a tea tray up to the wood and slide down to the back garden .
14 She held Dot up to the mirror and Dot saw the greyish rivulets where tears had run down her cheeks and been smudged to grey by her hands .
15 Yeah , but I wan na buy , it 's the same size as your bedroom up to the wardrobes and up to the door .
16 Venture capitalists like to keep close tabs on their investments , going down to the offices of the fledging chief executive officers once a week , putting their feet up on the desk and playing father confessor .
17 I swung my feet up on the desk and lay back in the chair .
18 Brown started to giggle to himself , put his feet up on the sofa and waited for the images and feelings to take possession of him .
19 Then he put his feet up on the bench and snored for ten minutes .
20 Tamsin puts her feet up on the table and asks why not .
21 A close wet-shave is not really possible , say if he 's thousands of feet up in the air and he wants to stay sweet with fellow plane passengers .
22 A close wet-shave is not really possible , say if he 's thousands of feet up in the air and he wants to stay sweet with fellow plane passengers .
23 Some boys were bringing battered wooden buckets up from the well and the occasional housewife emptied the slops from the night jars out into the middle of the street .
24 A remarkable industrial contrast can be seen between this stone-built weaving village up on the moors and Hebden Bridge in the valley below it .
25 they came down with a lot o little bottles and they filled all them bottles up with the mud and they took 'em away and anal analyzed 'em and proved that it was erm human manure you see .
26 ‘ There were megastars up for the part but old Wallace here got it .
27 He was already into the champagne and mansion bracket up in the hills and very soon began his first famous relationship , setting up home with Joan Collins .
28 You should always , for example , try to make sure that at least the text in the columns lines up across the page-headings and sub-headings may well not but the text really should .
29 ( Wringing her apron in mock indignation ) That 's the third time this week I 've picked his Good polyester-dacron trousers up off the floor and Hung them up in their crease .
30 Apparently , the ad consists of BRUCE DICKINSON holding the band 's mascot EDDIE up to the camera and drawling : ‘ Buckle up , or you could end up looking like this , ’ but market research has revealed that viewers were far more frightened at the prospect of looking like Brucie himself .
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