Example sentences of "[noun] will [vb infin] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where possible , cut out the ends of the rotted area so that the new piece will fit at an open angle , making it much easier to fit than right-angled joints .
2 CTB will be published in 1993 , and if its quality matches that of his earlier work , few readers will complain at a relative lack of writers with fewer outside commitments .
3 The three candidates Mr Fowler , Mrs Fletcher and Frank Cook , who defends the seat for Labour will speak at an open forum arranged by the Christian Election Forum in Norton parish church , at 8pm on Sunday .
4 And as they get ready for the Big One , the title decider , the lads will clutch at every available straw .
5 This chapter will look at the following examples :
6 This chapter will look at the different explanations that have been put forward for girls ' 'failure' in education , and at some of the research that has been done in this area .
7 For instance , flying visually at the normal cruite ; you set cruise power , hold your attitude for level flight and the aircraft will fly at the normal cruise .
8 The boy will appear at a special sitting of Chesterfield youth court .
9 Participants will look at the major trends in communication today , with special emphasis on the issue of the right to communicate and the relationship between evangelisation and culture .
10 This war will start at an appointed time , like a ball game .
11 A good product will sell at the tight price … and this is
12 Perhaps the hon. Gentleman will look at the Official Report tomorrow and tell me where I said that information should be hidden from parents .
13 More than 120 members , serving or retired policemen , customs officers and prison officers , from all over the UK , Germany , Switzerland , France and Luxembourg will stay at the Welsh town 's youth hostel from July 16 to 18 .
14 Because the period is not a whole number of years , the next standstill will occur at a different season than its predecessor .
15 Annually thereafter , the exercise price will rise at a compounded rate of about 4% a year .
16 Judging from remarks between Mr Carnwath , Mr Steele ( QC for Dyfed County Council ) and Mr Burrell , the prevailing view is that the inspector will find against McAlpine , but that the company will seek a Judicial Review in the High Court , where the arguments will recommence at a rarefied legal level .
17 I hope that people will look at the real record of improvement in the NHS , not the misrepresentations that they get from the Labour party .
18 This makes it easier for more particles to tunnel out , and so the emission will continue at an ever-increasing rate until eventually the black hole radiates itself out of existence .
19 ‘ But , when it 's switched on , the motor will go at a good jogging speed , though you need to pedal a bit to get the pace up .
20 So the pattern will start at the right point cam with stitch number 18 of the pattern .
21 Trains will run at a 40-minute frequency , with ticket prices at £1.50 adult , and £1.00 child/OAP .
22 The prompt LIFESPAN Breakout will appear at the top left-hand edge of the screen and to all intents and purposes this can be treated as if it were the DCL $ prompt .
23 Afterwards I will have to knock on other doors but I am sure that yet again the right door will open at the right time .
24 Mortgage interest tax relief will continue at the present rate .
25 The society will argue at the full hearing that it had a legitimate expectation that it would be consulted by the council .
26 But because the new craft will broadcast at a high power , they will have to be spaced a long way apart so that TV sets in , say , Canada do not receive signals meant for the US .
27 If such a risk is accepted , sooner or later the cable will break at the wrong moment and an accident will occur .
28 The winner will train at a top agency , have a camera test and then be offered the chance to sign up as a professional model .
29 Obviously , from time to time , several groups will meet at a good feeding site or at a salt lick and larger gatherings occur , but small groups are the general rule .
30 ‘ What will happen , ’ he says , ‘ is that Congress will look at the new possibilities for animal suffering that genetic engineering itself might create , and they will try and address those in legislation , or public policy …
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