Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] [pron] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Labour will punish them with a vengeance . ’
2 Many physiologists believe that an exhaustive study of the types of stimuli that increase or decrease the discharge rates of different types of sensory system cell will provide us with a description of how that system works .
3 Andy will to shag anything with a pulse as he says .
4 That is to say , your study will provide you with the knowledge that is generally accepted as making up the subject .
5 We go along with the theory that younger listeners will identify themselves with the group Cancer .
6 We go along with the theory that younger listeners will identify themselves with the group Cancer .
7 As I reach the open air on the far side of the back cover , having emerged from a cavern called the dungeon of lust , ten thousand voices will greet me with a joyous shout .
8 in language learning the check lists will provide you with the language data you need to start making pronunciation drills .
9 They are equally brought up to believe that marriage will provide them with a partner in whom to trust , who will love , protect and respect them .
10 Gabriel-Ernest will help me with the little ones , ’ she said happily .
11 Er I hope that now that Anne who is our very capable financial director will enlighten us with a breakdown of costs and an insight into targets with attendant indicators of relative volumes .
12 The Asians will not want to lose ground in the mixed doubles in the build-up to Atlanta and the Belfast match will provide them with an opportunity to test the best in Europe .
13 ‘ Kim and Jacqui will be the cops , Frances and Eddie will shadow them with the shaving foam and stuff , ’ said Simon , like it was Normandy beach 1944 .
14 At one level , of course , this simply reflects Latin American political realities : these societies are highly fragmented and any governing group will find itself with a diverse power base and the need to sustain its position by means of either coercion or consensus building .
15 Transarc Corp , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , has signed for the software and together with Retix will integrate it with the Encina transaction processing monitor it markets .
16 Your attitude of reserved dignity will not be resented ; when all arrangements have been completed , the client 's contact will leave them with the respectful regard for your integrity .
17 Only the Policy Document , written in plain English , tells you everything about what is and is not covered ( Sun Alliance will provide you with a copy of the Policy if you wish ) .
18 This together with an improved factory deep cleaning service will provide us with a factory hygiene service , that I am sure will develop into a major business for the division in future years .
19 When we turn to God in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving , God will fill us with the peace which passes all understanding , nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of God which is expressed in Jesus Christ his son , our Lord .
20 Pray every day that God will fill you with the Holy Spirit so that you have more courage to speak up for Jesus .
21 The college believes nurses should be given a pay rise because one in four members are the sole breadwinner in their household and most nurses no longer believe that nursing will provide them with a secure job .
22 saying you know , we need a sum of money and Mary will help me with the marketing of that and hopefully after that we would , go on enough to keep us going , so hopefully by the time Christmas comes
23 ‘ The Lord will smite thee with the botch of Egypt , and with the emerods , and with the scab , and with the itch , whereof thou canst not be healed . ’
24 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
25 Occasionally , though , a dramatist will uncover someone with an interesting story , regardless of how unknown or vaguely remembered the subject is .
26 This brief flurry of brick-building will leave one with a house plus chimney , to be maintained just as before .
27 He goes on : ‘ Any wholesale firm will provide you with a coffin as long as you pay ; they 're not fussy who they provide . ’
28 If you find you can not afford a pony at present , the British Horse Society will provide you with a list of approved Horse Sanctuaries .
29 The F-Plan will provide you with a wonderfully easy formula for boosting your intake to between 35g and 50g of fibre a day — at least twice most people 's normal consumption — without sacrificing any pleasure in meals .
30 Any abdominal operation will leave you with an inability to lift or carry things for at least a month .
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