Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The other side will have the same information in English ( which is the most common foreign language used in Japanese business ) .
2 This luxuriant multiplicity means , of course , that different parties will explain the same events differently according to their selective , subjective view of the situation .
3 This chapter will follow the same pattern as Chapter 4 , but this time it will look at the views and experiences of students in English and communications .
4 But I find the whole performance so persuasive that this really does not bother me much , and I imagine other listeners will feel the same way .
5 After all , in many cases and , perhaps , in the case of Euramco transactions , a restitutionary remedy and a compensatory remedy will cover the same ground .
6 Both the department head lists will hold the same pointers downward as the lecturers hold upwards , that is , all types of access between the two ‘ levels , are permitted .
7 He said that the integration with the PSOE was a response to events in eastern Europe and predicted that " before long , other communists will follow the same path " .
8 Unless something like this is done , America 's blacks will suffer the same collapse of morale that American Indians have .
9 The buildings will all look the same , the same companies will sell the same goods in all their shops , the people , apart from trivial physical differences and , possibly , their own languages , will all aspire to the same condition of affluence and to look the same as everybody else .
10 First , a single sense can be modified in an unlimited number of ways by different contexts , each context emphasising certain semantic traits , and obscuring or suppressing others ; just as a dirty window-pane will allow some parts of the scene beyond it to be seen clearly , and will partially or completely obscure other parts — and a different pane will affect the same scene differently .
11 A handyman from the informal sector will do the same job for less than $6 .
12 This is a very sinister way to end , leaving you to imagine whether this girl will suffer the same fate , and with the feeling it could be you next , and the collector will never stop .
13 Tomorrow at the sprawling Ariake Tennis Centre here a changed , but not new , British team will face the same opponents , desperate to restore some of their lost pride .
14 Lord Caplan said : ‘ A parent who loses a young infant will experience the same sense of loss irrespective of whether the injuries causing death originated shortly before birth or shortly after birth . ’
15 His bosses at Datronech Ltd , Aldershot , Hants , insist that any other computer salesmen who damage their expensive VWs will get the same treatment for a month .
16 Such a process will require the same form of periodic review mentioned with regard to Principle 5 .
17 Any " uncompetitive " region ( i.e. nation ) of the union that does not undertake and succeed in reducing differential unit ( and particularly labour ) costs will experience the same pressures commensurate with a current account deficit .
18 Users can only hope the vendors will apply the same effort to other unresolved technology issues .
19 ( Of course , even if they do , it will not necessarily mean that these concepts will have the same importance for Q[x] as for Z. )
20 An obsessively tidy person will demand the same standards of their partner , without caring that the other may have different priorities , or just not share their obsession .
21 The constituent units may be of quite different length and they may appear in quite a different order and quite different emphases may be given to particular features of the story , but the corpus as a whole will contain the same set of elements .
22 At the most basic level , a cordless handset will use the same number as your standard fixed line , and will only operate within 100 yards of it .
23 If the membrane is permeable to X , then molecules will pass randomly across it , and the concentration of X will become the same inside and outside .
24 And it follows from this that an acceleration of this replacement will have the same effect as if there had been an increase in fixed capital .
25 A Giant will have the same effect on your enemy as a big monster .
26 We know that if , in the introduction of the council tax , the Government inflict on the British people what they did with the poll tax — the £10 billion that it has cost us , the increase in VAT to manipulate it and the innumerable changes to make it more acceptable — local government and the British people will face the same sort of inadequacies and misery .
27 No two old people will react the same way , so no standard procedure can be recommended .
28 ‘ I think what 's interesting is … the people ( at The Mind Gym ) who are doing this thing , they do a lot of communal work where a lot of people will undergo the same program all at the one time and they find that they get a lot of really heavy group processes developing . ’
29 ‘ I think what 's interesting is … the people ( at The Mind Gym ) who are doing this thing , they do a lot of communal work where a lot of people will undergo the same program all at the one time and they find that they get a lot of really heavy group processes developing . ’
30 Subsequent layers of the same crystal will copy the same flaw , and if the crystal breaks in two it will give rise to a sub-population of altered crystals .
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