Example sentences of "[noun] would have [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices .
2 It is a useful exercise to look in detail at a particular school with which one is familiar and ask how much of current practice would have to change for the policies listed to be implemented .
3 I think if you had asked Freud what 's the minimum number numerically for one of , for the Bond Freud Crowds , Freud would have thought for a bit and I think he would have said three .
4 Although nationalists could express themselves freely in cultural terms , their aspiration for a united Ireland would have to wait for the ballot box to decide .
5 Last Friday the civil servant in charge of government policy on radioactive waste management reiterated Whitehall 's position that a solution to the disposal issue would have to wait for a future generation .
6 Under the supplementary benefit scheme , many of this group would have qualified for the householder rate — valued at £30.40 .
7 P. Ransome-Wallis remarked that one platform would have sufficed for the traffic , and indeed it was not long before Trinidad 's railways , together with those of all the smaller West Indian islands , were shut down .
8 In other words Jordan would have to act for the Palestinians .
9 Because it was the women themselves who were organizing it because they felt part of it they did n't see it as some sort of other people that were more politically motivated that than them giving them something to keep them out on strike , which by its very nature could could have been something that the people would have accepted for a while and then not accepted .
10 THE predicted overspend on the new British Library would have paid for a £1 million public library for every UK local authority , leaving over £100 million for an extension to the British Museum Reading Room with a new underground storage area — which was what everyone wanted in the first place .
11 In the absence of such a clause the buyer would have to prove for the damage suffered under the normal common law rules .
12 To find its most lasting realization , Charlie 's vision would have to wait for a bank clerk who did understand metempsychosis , and who had not only a commercial education gained in an underground room at Lloyds Bank , but also a knowledge of Greek .
13 The profession can not be certain how much this will save , as it depends on the amount provided for when the supply estimates were settled ; but we estimate a saving of £15 million on the assumption that the Government would have provided for a 1.5% increase .
14 ‘ I often think how poor Mr. Green would have trembled for the issue , as the passing of this beautiful Property with many hands may exceedingly disfigure a neighbourhood , which he poor man often busied his hand in beautifying . ’
15 The filthy canalside lacked most of the qualities Lefevre would have chosen for a romantic interlude , but some men were not so particular .
16 The Abidjan protocol would have provided for a greatly expanded UN mandate .
17 Without such action by the judge , Intel would have to wait for the new 80287 trial to be completed before the company could file any appeal .
18 Publicans would have to apply for a special children 's certificate as they have to do in Scotland .
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