Example sentences of "[noun] would have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Had the plaintiff sued his brother then the action would have failed on the grounds of volenti .
2 Creators of the farce , US cinema giants Loews , say fans would have to go to the cinema 68 times before seeing the same plot .
3 This may seem a curious exception , but it is as well to remember that Gregory would have known of the versification of Sulpicius Severus 's Life of St Martin by Paulinus of Périgueux , and that he counted among his friends the poet Venantius Fortunatus , himself the author of a poetic work on the miracles of St Martin .
4 He had seen her fall with his own eyes but he doubted any other witness would have disagreed with the description .
5 What we almost certainly would do by such a devaluation process — from which the Labour Front Bench is now trying to distance itself — is to postpone decisions which industry would have to take in the end , anyway .
6 A harsher critic would have gone for the jugular and claimed that this was a blunt reiteration of those dormant adolescent prejudices .
7 How Crapper 's eyes would have gleamed at the sight of a pampas plug-flush , low-level siphonic .
8 It is a useful exercise to look in detail at a particular school with which one is familiar and ask how much of current practice would have to change for the policies listed to be implemented .
9 All 20,891 patients received 300–325 mg aspirin daily by mouth , starting at the time of randomisation ; thus a substantial antithrombotic effect would have occurred by the end of the thrombolytic infusion .
10 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
11 To achieve this effectively and on a large scale the teaching force would have to concentrate upon the narrow limits which had been set .
12 Although nationalists could express themselves freely in cultural terms , their aspiration for a united Ireland would have to wait for the ballot box to decide .
13 It is unlikely that so much work would have gone into the construction of trackways for just casual hunting visits into the marshes .
14 Noodle or Blueboobs would have flown at the kid to avenge Crackpot .
15 In support of that Mr. Moses pointed to the surprising , and indeed unlikely , lacunae which this Act would have left in the field of interference with computers if the construction for which Mr. Lassman contends were correct .
16 Many other countries would have grabbed at the straw , but with Johnson virtually admitting guilt , the SFA representatives were unwilling to appeal .
17 Surely this strong sun would have got through the thin wall of her stretched skin and warmed the baby .
18 In an era which had great batsmen like Bradman , Hammond , Ponsford , Duleep and McCabe , Stewie would have ranked with the best . ’
19 Its flat northern half would have connected with the Carnatic plain of southern India .
20 At the last general election , the section on Northern Ireland in the Tory manifesto would have appeared under the heading ‘ foreign affairs ’ if someone had n't noticed it in proof at the last moment .
21 But most realised the tactical disadvantages of doing this , and insisted that the manifesto would have to appeal to the nobility , the gentry , most of the clergy , and " all the high church party " .
22 Those seeking authenticity would have to leaf through the book in a wind-blasted , refrigerated decompression chamber in full climbing gear , with a heavy rucksack and working a treadmill ; all in an atmosphere adjusted to one third normal sea-level density .
23 The optimists feel that in the absence of war Russia would have continued on the road to progressive modernisation .
24 There are too many unknown quantities in the complex equation regarding number of bodies , quantity of fuel , rate of woodland regeneration and time , to be able to calculate what impact the presence of a large cremation cemetery would have had on the landscape .
25 In Paris a cabby would have commiserated upon the unfortunate malady affecting his legs , but the Viennese were different .
26 As soon as the plane had hit any turbulence , the springs would have popped off the arm that held them and the two buckets would have automatically deployed .
27 Not that it was much of a one then : discovery would have meant at the most punishment and a diatribe against immigrants generally , with the chief worry , what contagion she might have picked up .
28 In the succession of sons to their fathers ' benefices , reform would have depended on the bishops and , of course , the clergy themselves .
29 Until relatively recently , radiocarbon dating would have fallen into the largely destructive category .
30 ‘ And as it takes half an hour to drive to Royal Wrigglesworth we must assume that Sir Vivien 's Lagonda would have driven through the village at about eight . ’
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