Example sentences of "[noun] can never [be] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It is quite possible that the extent of unmet legal need can never be ascertained and that which can be ascertained can not adequately be explained .
2 Section 6 applies to contracts of sale and hire purchase and provides that liability for breach of the implied terms concerned with ( 1 ) compliance with description , ( 2 ) merchantable quality , ( 3 ) fitness for purpose and ( 4 ) correspondence with sample can never be excluded or restricted where the buyer deals as a consumer .
3 Perhaps vision can never be recaptured or reconstituted .
4 It is as if the war , crisis , living hell or chaotic backwater can never be known and will never end .
5 Security in any situation can never be guaranteed but the security that farming provided was obviously appreciated .
6 It should be noted that material subject to legal privilege can never be seized but it appears that if the police chance upon evidence for which a warrant from a circuit judge is required , they are entitled to seize this by virtue of section 19 .
7 Labour 's capacity to resist change can never be under-estimated and their conversion will always be suspect , but after their partial success by moving in this direction , this is what they will certainly try to do .
8 When the mechanics of causality have been forsaken , identity can never be known or measured , it can only be postulated and experienced .
9 Energy can never be destroyed and our energy imprints are preserved technically for all eternity , along with the imprints of other people who have been in close proximity .
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