Example sentences of "[noun] can not [be] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 The 1988 Urban Programme can not be seen as dramatically different from the approach inherited by the Conservative government elected in 1979 .
2 Of , the ACIR study can not be taken as unambiguous falsification of Marxist and elite theory approaches and support for pluralist approaches The ACIR case studies , as discussed in the ACIR report , do indeed conform to the models of pluralism outlined in Chapter 5 .
3 In the latter two cases the probe distances should be interpreted just as dissimilarities since the probes can not be considered as points in comparison with the clones .
4 Let represents permission as non-intervention , i.e. as not obstructing the accomplishment of the event expressed by the infinitive , and so the letting can not be conceived as coming before the event permitted ( indeed one can not say that one has let someone do something until they have actually done it ) .
5 Since the letting can not be conceived as existing before the event permitted gets under way , to is not used with let , just as it is not used with see because seeing can not be conceived as taking place before the first moment of the event seen .
6 Mr Corker said : ‘ Staff from the ministries can not be called as references but we do have letters of recommendation from them and the Department of the Environment has these in our appeal .
7 An effect of loperamide oxide on intestinal secretion can not be excluded as this was not examined .
8 Tolstoy 's influence can not be over-estimated as Gandhi 's ready acknowledgment shows : ‘ For inculcating this true and higher type of Ahimsa amongst us , Tolstoy 's life with its ocean-like love should serve as a beacon light and a never-failing source of inspiration … ’
9 When attention moves from behaviour at the individual to the organisational level , it is argued that since organisations are not unitary actors , but are made up of individuals and groups with competing interests and objectives , companies can not be understood as pursuing a single goal , but rather a range of conflicting goals .
10 In my judgment , the Act can not be read as being constrained by the Rules to preclude an ex parte application .
11 These offences can not be regarded as trivial because sometimes they result in an employee 's or innocent bystander 's death , serious injury , or permanently impaired health .
12 Thus herbage seeds can not be sown as early or as late in the year as the cereals so frequently used as cover or nurse crops .
13 Such a process can not be described as a set of sub-activities connected by unidirectional communications .
14 Lastly , the points used in the control group can not be regarded as suitable : electrical stimulation of needles only 2 cm from the real points is unlikely to be without some effect .
15 Compulsion can not be dismissed as incapable of bringing about change , after all we compel children to attend school between the ages of five and sixteen and it would be foolish to suggest that no genuine change takes place as a result .
16 The importance of his distancing from earlier critical theory becomes clear ; ‘ science ’ as a form of epistemology can not be dismissed as ideology but a tendency to ‘ scientism ’ can be treated as obscuring knowledge-constitutive interests and as potentially ideological .
17 It is also unique , so a later top can not be used as it is six inches narrower than the Series One .
18 While pluralist writers can not be interpreted as suggesting that there is a perfect or even extensive distribution of political power through the mechanism of interest participation in government decision making , — ’ what pluralists do argue is that more groups are involved in making decisions than is suggested by Marxist and elitists , who claim that a particular class or group has a monopoly of influence .
19 Findings based on very limited evidence can not be regarded as being firmly established and need to be verified by means of additional observations and cases .
20 Whilst ambulatory surgical care has been shown to be cheaper than hospital care in Cali , Colombia , such evidence can not be taken as a general rule .
21 So the principles can not be regarded as being in any doubt .
22 ‘ 1991s figures can not be viewed as satisfactory ’ said Sir Denys , ‘ but it was a solid performance … ’ .
23 It was said that if a claim is directed to a technical process which is carried out under the control of a program ( whether implemented in the hardware or the software ) , then the claim can not be regarded as related to a computer program as such .
24 Having examined this location I regret to advise you that there are several reasons why this stop can not be relocated as requested .
25 The famous Benedictine abbey of Einsiedeln Switzerland 's greatest place of pilgrimage , set in the pre-Alp country of canton Schwyz can not be described as " off the beaten track " but it would be unthinkable to omit the possibility of visiting it when in this neighbourhood .
26 Even so , Finnis remains committed to the proposition that in determining the concept of property the legislator 's choice can not be regarded as wholly unfettered or arbitrary .
27 The existence of other cases where this connection apparently can not be made , as pointed out by Jespersen , indicates however that this sense can not be taken as descriptive of the full potential for meaning which to has in contemporary English .
28 However , since concepts , according to Frege , are essentially predicative , this automatically excludes singular existential propositions , and I have argued that such propositions can not be dismissed as " ungrammatical " .
29 Cellulose can not be considered as either weak or brittle yet it is chemically a sugar , being made by stringing glucose molecules together .
30 His ethnographic boundaries can not be described as being geographically to the north of anywhere , for they are around him and within .
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