Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , recent studies in comprehensive schools have shown that this picture is changing , and that anorexia nervosa is beginning to lose its class basis .
2 Previous anecdotal reports and one study have suggested that colonic investigation should be performed in all patients because of the frequency of dual colonic and upper intestinal disease .
3 Data from the Coronary Artery Surgery Study and European Coronary Surgery Study have shown that coronary artery bypass grafting ( CABG ) reduces the incidence of sudden death in selected patients with chronic stable angina , particularly those with impaired left ventricular function .
4 Since Lenin , Marxists have accepted that this consciousness only arises if it is ‘ injected ’ into workers ' movements by an outside agency , a revolutionary party or intelligentsia .
5 In particular , structuralist Marxists have argued that this approach is historically limited and misunderstands the contradictory role which military expenditure performs for capitalist economies .
6 The inclusion of penguins among the animals depicted can now be seen as the first indication that prehistorians have had that these birds were present in the Mediterranean during the palaeolithic era , and not proof , as was recently suggested , that the paintings are modern forgeries .
7 As a sort of bridge person I was quite interested to find out how different the works , the , the , the Permanent Way office does the structural things and er obviously all the clients have feared that this resources would be thrown perhaps .
8 Other authors have claimed that visual laterality effects occur when judgements have to be made from memory , that is , beyond the coding stage ( Hardyck , Tzeng and " Wang , 1977 ; 1978 ; Kirsner , 1980 ; Kirsner and Brown , 1981 . )
9 As the sensitivity of stress testing is poor in patients with anterior infarction some authors have suggested that all patients with an anterior infarct and reduced left ventricular function should be catheterised as it is patients such as these with triple vessel disease that benefit most from revascularisation .
10 Many authors have suggested that single measures of input or output should not be used in evaluating research groups , institutions , or nations .
11 Some authors have reported that right eye sighting dominance is more common than a dominant left eye among dextrals while the association between the side of the preferred eye and preferred hand is less predictable among sinistrals ( Friedlander , 1971 ; Porac and Coren , 1975 ) .
12 Subsequently , these authors have shown that faecal E coli from colitics were more hydrophobic than those from non-colitics .
13 These authors have shown that colonic platelet activating factor content was significantly increased irrespective of colonic inflammation .
14 As there may be in excess of 1000 mouth to feed , then it can prove difficult to keep up a constant supply of live foods and the authors have found that dried food is adequate as a first food .
15 Since the building of the huge medieval tithe barns , constant changes in farming methods have meant that most farm buildings have had to be adapted to new uses or else demolished or simply abandoned to the elements .
16 Some studies of WFS data have suggested that maternal age may be the more important of the two factors .
17 Various experiments done in volcanic environments have shown that proteinoid globules are very likely to form in such regions .
18 In a statement , he said : ‘ People in the force have to appreciate that equal opportunities policies mean just that .
19 In the past , some purists have said that all surface decoration applied to designed objects — all ornament , in other words — must be based on motifs which look flat , ie. they must not be drawn with a third dimension : you are allowed to make a pattern out of squares , so to speak , but not cubes .
20 Since these observations were received , SCOTVEC and CNAA have agreed that joint Validation Events may be held ( see Update No. 2 ) and it is hoped that this will avoid problems of this kind arising .
21 The responsibility which parents have to ensure that sexual acts do not take place between themselves and their children is surely not confined to sexual intercourse .
22 Unfortunately , none of the published randomised trials have shown that medical treatment improves fertility .
23 Nature conservation authorities in Kazakhstan have claimed that large areas of once productive land are now littered with detritus such as burnt out rocket stages , and that the soil has become contaminated soil with toxic substances .
24 Experiments on decerebrate rats have shown that noxious stimulation may generate reflex hyperexcitability in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord .
25 This last point is awkward , because recent Tory chancellors have denied that fiscal policy has a role to play in managing demand .
26 Almost all companies have decided that these items are best left to specialist manufacturers .
27 He went on : ‘ Companies have warned that this trend , if it continues , may result in revised production schedules .
28 Prospectuses issued by both power companies have admitted that environmental costs may be on the rise , but no figures have been given .
29 To ease this strain the Training Committee have decided that more use should be made of the services of other qualified teachers to teach on Q.T. days .
30 Your Committee have agreed that visiting speakers be re-imbursed for their travelling expenses .
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