Example sentences of "[noun] has been [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This formulation has been taken up by Poulantzas , Carchedi and others .
2 The Pope 's 450-page draft text has been drawn up with the help of 24,000 suggestions from bishops all over the world .
3 Your letter dated the 19th May to Wales Wildlife and Countryside Link has been passed on to me in my capacity as Vice Chair of the Link , but more relevantly perhaps as Director of CPRW .
4 However , television is such a major part of people 's lives that simple human interaction has been cut down to a minimum .
5 A story has been passed down with the spoon to explain how it came to be repaired .
6 The story has been brought up to date with a challenging final chapter by Professor Lance Lanyon , Principal of the College .
7 But that debate and subsequent decision has been put off until October , when supporters of ban expect to win .
8 In many insects the number of veins is less than in the hypothetical type , and the reduction has been brought about by the degeneration or complete atrophy of a vein , or of one or more of its branches , or by the coalescence of adjacent veins .
9 OVER the last year a considerable amount of progress has been carried out on the Ex-GWR 0-6-2T 5637 locomotive .
10 Radioactive seaweed has been washed up on beaches near Sellafield 's outlet pipeline .
11 Regional Railways : Ticketing the local train to take an ever The ghost of Dr Beeching has been cast out on the provincial railways .
12 just to point out to members that the promised report on the lorry management plan which is in the first preparation has been put back to the January committee meeting on the Highways Committee so that we can get full advantage from the traffic and
13 Significant economic growth and social change has been brought about as a result of the offshore oil and gas industry .
14 This change has been brought about by the activities of prescriptive grammarians and educators , not — as the Harvard account implies — by some mysterious property of the language itself .
15 Compared with the competitive surplus of ACPc this change has been brought about by a loss of RCK , due to output restriction ( i.e. monopolisation per se ) and a creation of additional producer surplus of PcKEG , due to the ability of the enlarged monopolised firm to achieve lower costs .
16 This evaluation will consider whether the school is now more effectively educating its students , and whether the change has been carried out in the most efficient way .
17 The reputation of this division has been built up by a dedicated management team , many of which have been involved in contractual cleaning operations as well as in-house posts .
18 A writ for defamation issued by West Indian umpire Lloyd Barker against Christopher Martin-Jenkins has been settled out of court for an undisclosed sum .
19 The needless slaughter has been going on for more than a century .
20 All the responsibility has been thrown on to the regulatory body OFTEL , when it might have been possible to help the market work better .
21 It is unlike East London , where over the last ten or twenty years the heart has been torn out of manufacturing industry in the docks and with it has gone traditional working-class organisation .
22 ICL says that hardware price-performance has been improved by about 20% , and main memory prices are halved .
23 Interestingly , this intuitive response has been borne out by science ( see page 8 ) .
24 The new sanctuary has been set up on dry prairie land south of Lac Leman .
25 Trained by the man in form Nigel Twiston-Davies , who had a double at Cheltenham , Captain Dibble has been laid out for the race and has n't run since January when he finished third behind Very Very Ordinary carrying 12 stone at Ascot .
26 A memorial fund to help young people enjoy the outdoors has been set up following the death in March of one of Britain 's leading climbers , Andy Fanshawe .
27 At Runnymede Bridge , the computer has been brought in to record and check relationships between contexts and to sort them into continuous sequences , thus ultimately helping the archaeologist interpret the sequences as a record of past human activity .
28 A new code of conduct for street entertainers has been drawn up by a local authority .
29 A great deal of expertise has been built up over the years in the shipment of petrochemical cargoes all over the world , often in custom-built vessels .
30 As uncertainty about the fate of commercial galleries grows , the burden of showing new artists has been picked up by unexpected agents .
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