Example sentences of "[noun] as [verb] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This reflects a common tendency in India to think of rigorous imprisonment and vocational work as meaning the same thing : little distinction is made between punishment and rehabilitation in the prison context .
2 ( This is no doubt in some way concerned with the employee 's honesty. ) 2 The nature of the information itself Information will only be protected if it can properly be classed as a business secret or as material which , while not properly described as a business secret is , in all the circumstances , of such a highly confidential nature as to require the same protection as a business secret eo nomine .
3 First , it treats all members of a social group as having the same set of possible actions .
4 Lévi-Strauss saw structuralism as playing the same role for the social sciences as nuclear physics had for the physical sciences .
5 Her slovenliness was a state of mind , the exteriorisation of her despair , and he saw all her faults as having the same root : bad company , bad education , bad conditions .
6 The judgment for the plaintiff was upheld by the House of Lords , but Lord Cairns L.C. rested his decision on the ground that the defendant had made a ‘ non-natural use ’ of his land , though he regarded the judgment of Blackburn J. as reaching the same result and said he entirely concurred in it .
7 Aurobindo sees all things as having the same principal of life at different levels , but in all of them is the potentiality and inevitability to reach higher and higher levels .
8 The correspondence problem is to identify specific portions of the changing image as representing the same object at different times .
9 Accordingly , the CMI electronic bill of lading can be issued by as many carriers as have the necessary hardware and software , and it can be ‘ endorsed ’ by as many endorsees as have the same facilities .
10 Someone from industry might be seen by employers as speaking the same language as they do themselves .
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