Example sentences of "[noun] had taken a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Yang brothers had taken a prominent part in quelling the " turmoil " in mid-1989 and presided over a massive programme of political education within the army .
2 Thus it seemed , from our work and that of many other labs at about the same time , that brain RNA and protein synthesis were necessary for learning and memory formation , and that the field of biochemical memory research had taken a flying leap forward .
3 The overall tone of noble criticism remained moderate , yet political consciousness had taken a momentous leap since Nicholas 's death .
4 The months of dangerous living had taken a savage toll of his health and he had bad conjunctivitis .
5 Sheila Rowbotham had taken a different route after graduation from Oxford in 1962 .
6 Sharpe had taken a royal fortune off the battlefield , and it was that fortune which Jane had stolen from him , and much of which she had already spent on a London house and on silks and on furniture and on jewels and on Lord John 's debts , and on silverware and gold plate and Chinese wallpaper and on lapdogs and satin and on the cabriolet in which Lord John now rode towards the cavalry and battle .
7 Protestant commentators were very aware that the papacy retained the right to depose excommunicated rulers , and took little comfort from the fact that many English recusants had taken a special oath of allegiance to the crown .
8 Though he did not reject the methodology and interests of the ‘ new philosophy ’ , nor attempt to go back beyond it to some earlier view , he thought that , in allowing too much to materialism , philosophy had taken a wrong turn .
9 His dragon had taken a mortal wound as he and Caledor clashed on the battlefield .
10 As at Lord 's , it was Logie and Dujon who got the runs , but with Foster taking 5 for 64 they were all out for 183 , the first time England had taken a first-innings lead since the Lord 's game of 1984 .
11 At the other end of the human time-scale , the idea that life could be , and was being , prolonged through man 's skill and foresight had taken a powerful hold .
12 Even her emotions had taken a recent battering , she reflected wryly , with the unpleasant outcome of her relationship with Mortimer Harrison following not so very long after the shattering loss of her mother …
13 The fatal injury was a blow to the head , not a very heavy blow but the deceased had taken a substantial amount of alcohol in the hours before he suffered the injury , and the effect of alcohol is to increase the flow of blood to the brain so that , et cetera , et cetera , et cetera .
14 The Shah had taken a leading role in this process .
15 The third file concerned a boy Berdichev had taken a personal interest in ; a Clayborn child from the Recruitment Project for whom Berdichev had paid the extraordinary sum of ten million yuan .
16 Meanwhile the politics of war had taken a new departure .
17 If the Maronites had taken a similar path , perhaps seeking a confederated state within a Greater Lebanon , the catastrophe that befell their grandsons might have been averted .
18 The previous year the NAM had taken a direct initiative over the war when India 's prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi , acting as NAM chairman , sent a peace mission to the Gulf .
19 The reason for our excursion was that , back in the USA , Beth had taken a leading role in one of the films now showing .
20 Late in May Andy Norman had taken a small party of athletes to Oslo for a meeting .
21 Ellis believed that the women 's movement had taken a wrong turn in demanding equality with men in the public sphere and should rather have worked for the elevation of motherhood .
22 Chamberlain may have shrunk visibly as the clouds across the face of Europe had grown darker , but the British people had taken a different path .
23 The Captain had taken a small leather pouch from an inner pocket , pulled open the drawstring , extracted a shilling and was holding it out .
24 But he said it was only when Dr Philip Owen , a Home Office toxicologist , told him on Jan 16 that he learned Mr Threlfall had taken a fatal dose of 90 dextropropoxyphene tablets .
25 Now Jezrael saw that Zulei had taken a short blade from the coiffure .
26 A YOUNG nursing home resident who was found dead in her bed had taken a fatal overdose of painkillers , an inquest heard yesterday .
27 The stomach contents and blood tests indicate Mr Marr had taken a fair amount of drink immediately prior to his death on Friday night . ’
28 The confrontation between Israeli forces and Hamas had taken a fresh turn earlier on Dec. 13 , when Qassam abducted Sgt.-Maj .
29 A few of the men had taken a rare day off from the quarries and the recognitions were more generous than Harrison had anticipated .
30 The Croat nation had taken a severe battering between 1526 and 1699 , but that portion which flourished in Dalmatia kept alive the spirit and culture of the people .
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