Example sentences of "[noun] had [been] [verb] by a " in BNC.

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1 Diamonds Galore 's jockey Aaron Gryder could hardly believe that his horse had been murdered by a youngster .
2 Egyptian references maintain that the whole body was recovered , but Plutarch says that the penis had been eaten by a Nile fish and through her magic Isis had to create a substitute .
3 The Chambly seat had been held by a member of the ruling Progressive Conservative Party ( PCP ) who had resigned after pleading guilty to charges of fraud .
4 The car had been surrounded by a small crowd of technically minded Romanians .
5 They said that the incident had taken place in Belfast and that the photograph had been taken by a night camera .
6 Apart from the offensive nature of the title , since it related almost entirely to former Cabinet ministers of the Labour Party , the programme had been procured by a series of deceptions .
7 The switch had been spotted by a sharp-eyed pensioner out for a stroll .
8 Mr Abdul Rehman , the local polling agent for Janata Dal , told how his supporters had been attacked by a marauding band of Congress workers , some of them with guns .
9 There were rumours the small boat had been hit by a much larger vessel .
10 Forest 's last words had been accompanied by a guffaw , and Edward 's half-formed comment was drowned by the slamming of the door as the grinning man left .
11 The Dewar Challenge Trophy — awarded for the most meritorious performance of the year in any trial under the Long-Distance Trials Regulations — was presented to Cadillac that year , the first time the trophy had been won by a US car maker .
12 An offer last August of 3% for 12 months had been followed by a lengthy period when voluntary severance had been negotiated with the Bank .
13 It has been alleged that on the 100 occasions , a vote had been cast by a mysterious proxy voter and therefore cancelled the polling ability of the voter . ’
14 Mr Beaton had been dumped by a road-side and picked up by police who had been alerted to the hijack and had eventually stopped MacIver in the lorry at Doune .
15 For example , there was the Australian edition of the racy Sunday Sport which claimed that Kylie had been mauled by a killer shark while skin diving on the Great Barrier Reef .
16 Until recently the mail had been carried by a variety of aircraft ranging from Navajos and Cessna 404s to Shorts 360s and Dart-Heralds .
17 Waldheim 's ‘ virtues ’ had become particularly clear when the Austrian President had been confronted by a ‘ world of defamation and absolutely unfathomable persecution ’ , said Schedl .
18 The basis of her legal case was that this condition had been caused by a motor accident four months before her birth in which her mother lost control of a pick-up truck during a cattle muster on the family ranch .
19 But , by the six o'clock news , that tarmac scene had been replaced by a news conference in the airport lounge with the usual polished platitudes .
20 The fifth and sixth defendants had been employed by a group of companies of which the plaintiffs were a part in senior positions for short periods before being dismissed .
21 The background to this injunction , as is apparent from its terms , was that the defendants had been ordered by a subpoena duces tecum issued in New York on 24 July 1990 to produce the documents referred to in the injunction .
22 The impetus towards rapprochement had been accelerated by a visit to Vietnam on Oct. 1-2 by President Bush 's personal envoy , Gen. John Vessey , for a general exchange of views on the question of the US MIAs .
23 As I had come to know a number of rectors and vicars in the course of my journeys , for reasons which I have mentioned , Eliot questioned me about what he felt might he a mounting danger , namely that the Church might seek to increase by chauvinism what it appeared to be losing in spirituality : and indeed the vicar of my own village had been upbraided by a group of parishioners for not preaching sermons directly furthering the war effort , which Eliot said was tantamount to making him into an unpaid official of the MOI .
24 Initial investigations suggested that the crash had been caused by a combination of bad weather and either pilot error or a failure in the communications system .
25 On this point THE HOME SECRETARY said that there was no reliable evidence that the abolition of the death penalty in foreign countries had been followed by a significant increase in the number of murders .
26 In 1896 while sculling at Putney , an oarsman had been sunk by a stone-throwing youth , and in the following year there was a complaint that a yacht 's skylight had been broken at Lambeth Bridge and then ‘ a shower of horse dung greeted us at Chelsea ’ .
27 A spokeswoman for the Arts Council said that Kent Opera 's three-year plan had been rejected by a group including Mr Peter Palumbo , the council 's chairman , Mr Rittner , and Mr Ken Baird , the council 's music director , before the music panel met .
28 When I was told this , I recalled hearing it said , back in the 1930s , that these visits had been observed by a young writer or two who , out of rather callous curiosity , would follow Eliot at a discreet distance , and observe him to turn round , as he approached the door , in order to see whether anybody had been spying on him .
29 It would wrong , however , to assume that the Rover 820 Si 16v had been assembled by a team of accountants .
30 The boy had been examined by a surgeon , Thomas Chapman , who found numerous wheals , bruises and lacerations , and his report to the guardians led to proceedings being taken against the tailor before the County magistrates ; he was convicted and fined £5 .
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