Example sentences of "[noun] had [verb] on a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The SJP lads had to rely on a topsy-turvy 6–21 , 21–8 , 22–20 victory for league stalwart John Wickers over Peter Hance to secure their share of the points from the last game of the evening .
2 The widely-scattered smoke-swirls from destroyed weapons and vehicles showed that the enemy had advanced on a broad front .
3 For Macpherson everything about the general run of American movies ‘ belonged to the 1910 period ’ when the industry had alighted on a certain type of narrative film as being most suitable for its mass audience .
4 As long as historical materialism no longer saw itself as involved in the objective crisis complex , as soon as it understood its critique exclusively as positive science and the dialectic objectively as the law of the world , then the ideological character of consciousness had to take on a metaphysical quality … .
5 Earlier , on March 26 , boundary officials from the two countries had agreed on an early demarcation of the Sir Creek area in the Great Rann of Kutch .
6 When Camille had choked on an Aztec cuff-link , a sizeable piece of jewellery such as had then been fashionable , Constance 's mum had held her upside down by the ankles and banged her until she disgorged it , while Scarlet had knelt in the unutterable anguish of one about to be bereaved , determining to destroy herself without hesitation should Camille not survive the experience .
7 Wilson therefore regularized a practice he had begun in 1964 when outsiders such as Professors Nicholas Kaldor and Robert Neild had been recruited into the Treasury , a practice which Heath had followed on a smallish scale .
8 The policeman and the girl had come on an ordinary routine visit .
9 Of Callejas 's new Cabinet , also sworn in on Jan. 27 , Benjamin Villanueva Tábora was Economy and Commerce Minister in 1977-79 and Finance Minister in 1981 ; Ramón Medina Luna had been a Deputy Economy Minister ; Manlio Martínez had served on a previous occasion as Planning Minister ; Col. Francisco Zepeda Andino had served as Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force ; and Rodolfo Rosales Abella of the opposition PLH had served briefly as Labour Minister in the last few months of the presidency of José Simeon Azcona .
10 It is important not to allow this to obscure the fact that , at the height of his power , Eadwine had embarked on an ecclesiastical programme to establish a separate northern province of the Anglo-Saxon Church .
11 During a raid in March she heard that a bomb had dropped on a burning building , killing six firemen and injuring others .
12 The race had started on a wet track — it is almost never dry for a whole weekend in Holland — and Hunt 's victory resulted from the finest sort of judgement about when to come in and change his wet tyres to slicks .
13 Coalition partners had agreed on a minimum programme with familiar priorities : the fight against organized crime ; reduction of the public deficit ; preparation for European economic union ; and the reform of public services .
14 Even the article in the local paper had seemed on a quick glance through earlier to be all right .
15 The appeal to the EAT was based on the issue of whether the Tribunal had relied on a correct statement of the law when it referred to an excerpt from Harvey on Industrial Relations and Employment Law ( based on the EAT decision in Richmond Precision Engineering v Pearce ( [ 1985 ] IRLR 179 ) which stated that ‘ [ t ] he crucial question is whether the terms offered were those which a reasonable employer could offer ’ .
16 She put him down as the little grey man had foretold on a huge grey granite stone , pitted and scarred and bald .
17 Starting from scratch in July 1945 , the Government had embarked on a huge legislative programme and laid the foundations for another big instalment in 1946–7 .
18 This unequal but in general legitimated social hierarchy had depended on a healthy capitalist economy and benign , prosperous welfare State .
19 Since buying the cottage , house prices had started on a steady descent .
20 By going beyond the scented ashram walls of Subud , Lorne and Lydia had touched on an unsuspected world on the brink of disappearing .
21 A high-level team from the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) , visiting six Iranian installations on Feb. 6-13 , failed to uncover any evidence to support allegations that Iran had embarked on a covert nuclear weapons programme .
22 The demonstrators had marched on a key pumping station at the start of the " Friendship Pipeline " which carried oil from Tatarstan 's oilfields to eastern Europe , and amid chants of " Tatar oil for Tatarstan " they had attempted to put it out of action .
23 Helen looked amused and Sophie laughed derisively , but , suddenly , she felt as though Joanna had touched on a raw nerve .
24 On one occasion , for example , a member of the delinquent fringe had arrived on a special coach with a cardboard box containing two gross of packets of Maltesers .
25 Mr and Mrs Harper had sat in their respective armchairs , Marge had sat on a red leather pouffe and she , Steve and Cliff had occupied the two-seater settee of the three-piece suite .
26 This was thought to be the first time for nearly 70 years that police had fired on a white crowd in South Africa .
27 Since I was last in the Spanish capital my training had continued on a high plane .
28 Traffic of this kind had occurred on a large scale in the period following on the October Revolution , but if there had been any ‘ bagmen ’ left by 1921–2 in the Middle Volga region , they would have been ruthlessly stamped out .
29 The parlour had come on a long way since I was a boy .
30 When she returned to Swans ' Meadow , she found Ursula had embarked on a cold-blooded drinking bout and was reluctant to accompany her into the garden , the one venue where Charlotte felt she could safely disclose what had happened .
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