Example sentences of "[noun] she [vb past] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lewis was a professional , and although she might not agree with his methods she had to face the fact that he would quickly sense something was wrong unless she was very careful .
2 In two steps she had reached the slop bucket , dropped the packet in , watched it splash on the cobbles and turned round as a voice rang out in the yard .
3 no she said I 'm alright now I 've had a sandwich , so , anyhow she left it , so I left it , I said well it 's there if you want , she said I 'll eat it later then granddad , anyhow making the tea she said put the microwave on and we , we were having salmon
4 In the font she had found the head of the priest . ’
5 Eventually , forced out by the need to buy basic necessities she had met the pusher in the toilets in one of the big stores .
6 Marriage to an Englishman brought Sandra to Britain and within 6 months she 'd won the Sunday Times best Watercolour competition .
7 And in the same repetitious way she had recalled the scene she 'd interrupted the evening before by announcing that supper was ready : Gordon and the boy seated in the sitting-room before the cosy glow of the electric fire , drinking sherry .
8 Standing beside the rails at the junction at Pot'ma she had held the baby of an exhausted mother , and she had smiled at him .
9 In view of the help she had rendered the group , Gedge also wrote to Sara Catt , Charman 's girlfriend , informing her of the situation too .
10 As a youngster she had detested the Popeye cartoons on television .
11 It would take all the poise she possessed to spend the evening with Fen , on their new footing as ‘ friends ’ , without revealing her true feelings for him .
12 Thus it was that on 3 January she decided to mark the occasion by letting go of another gasket , this time in one of her auxiliary purification circuits .
13 The first sermon she preached reiterated the message .
14 But inside the old building she had found the staff reassuringly up to date , and smilingly efficient .
15 She went over to it , her mouth dry , her pulses racing , and when she looked down at the cherubic child with bright golden hair she had to grip the arms for support .
16 I 've experienced them , ’ — remembering , with a shudder , a crappy little agency in Clapham where there had lurked a loud gritty third-rate Scottish horror she 'd had the misfortune to run across in her Algox days .
17 With trembling fingers she began to unfasten the bolts .
18 In that fleeting instant she had seen the soldier of her dreams .
19 Because in that instant she had fired the ship 's rear guns and had blasted the other ship 's nose section into particles .
20 She did n't need to turn round to know he was standing there , and it took all the will-power she possessed to finish the task she was working on , knowing he was just a few feet away .
21 She had been much comforted by Craig 's presence in the house these past weeks , but in her heart she had known the situation was an explosive one and could n't last .
22 For a few precious hours she had savoured the sensation , and had determinedly closed her mind to the thought that only the most hard-hearted man would not have offered comfort in her present condition .
23 At lunch-time in the kitchen she tried to cover the silence up by chattering about anything that came into her head , but her chattering made the silence more obvious .
24 And er but of course she did lose the baby .
25 When Nellie 's Mum was very large and the baby was due she would n't let Nellie go far in case she needed to fetch the midwife .
26 Elisabeth recalled the times she had seen the midwife arrive at a peasant 's cottage . …
27 The complex included squash courts , an indoor swimming-pool and a gym , and Rachel , who had always loved swimming , took advantage of every opportunity she had to visit the complex .
28 With immense reluctance she began typing the copy .
29 Since being in Carstairs she had seen the baby twice and the visits had gone well and social workers hoped to continue this .
30 Used to creating and presenting ideas to a wide variety of clients , she 'd grown proud of her capacity to keep her head under pressure , yet from the moment she 'd crossed the threshold of this impressive room she 'd been put at a distinct disadvantage .
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