Example sentences of "[noun] which had [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He never spoke of the tragedy which had driven him into seclusion .
2 In the early 1930s , from his city desk at Faber and Faber , Eliot was busy paying tribute to other cities which had educated him in his way of life and to city writers who had aided his way of writing .
3 The lines of experience were marked on her face and although she still had all the exuberant charm which had drawn him to her in the first place , he thought she looked older than he knew her to be .
4 French maintained that he thought that the safety catch was on and that he had been struck a blow on the back of the head which had caused him to stagger and pull the trigger .
5 With Mr Crump 's wealth … his dreams of money diverted his energy from the sexual lust which had gripped him after that effervescent meeting with the Crumps .
6 Gradually the impulse which had taken him over to the wood , the instinct which had urged him to a resolution , worked its way to the surface .
7 Invalided out of the army in 1915 , Colman began to take up the acting career which had fascinated him since amateur dramatics in childhood .
8 Secondly , Sir Angus was barely a year out of the Civil Service after a career which had taken him to the chairmanship of the Customs and Excise .
9 Peach retired in 1905 after 43 years service in a career which had taken him into nearly every part of Scotland and brought him world-wide recognition as an outstanding field geologist .
10 Though he now said that he was ‘ no longer very much interested in my own theories about poetic drama , especially those put forward before 1934 ’ , the old interests which had fascinated him from his first dramatic Fragments continued to grip him , leading to the fact that each of his dramas had as its ‘ sort of springboard ’ a ‘ Greek myth ’ .
11 This was the last leg of Salinas 's European tour which had taken him to Czechoslovakia , the Soviet Union and Germany .
12 The decision had cheered him up ; the bustle created by his demands reaffirmed the show of his importance ; and he could still feel a breeze from the pure air which had wreathed him at Hause Point .
13 This predicament forced him to examine his goals and to make one last push for the success which had eluded him for so long .
14 Without a doubt it had been Greg 's backing which had propelled him into the big league ; without him , for all his talent , Hugo might have been trapped in small-time design and manufacture for ever .
15 He seemed a genial and indestructible landmark in the history of American music , in spite of defective hearing which had bothered him since the late Seventies .
16 As he entered Beresforde Road at three in the morning his eyes were everywhere , remembering the juggernaut which had put him in hospital .
17 He was condemned by an image which had haunted him for over thirty years : a poor defenceless body Iying curled up in a vast flat dismal landscape , a father abandoned to his lonely fate .
18 The troopship which had taken him to war .
19 Subconsciously he must have been expecting something like this : his first reaction was not surprise but an intensification of the dull misery which had enveloped him for the last 24 hours .
20 His interviews the previous night had been done with all his customary thoroughness , but the most productive one had been not the Fernies or young Curtis , those most directly concerned with the incidents which had taken him to Boundary Drive , but with Ted Morgan whom there was really no reason to interview at all .
21 A former wartime lieutenant in the Lithuanian police , Anton Gecas , on July 17 lost a £600,000 libel case against the United Kingdom Scottish Television company which had described him as a war criminal .
22 Although Barry had consistently denied the drug accusations which had bedeviled him throughout much of his time in office , pressure upon him increased significantly following his discovery in December 1988 in a Washington hotel room by police who had arrived to investigate drug allegations against Charles Lewis , a friend of Barry 's .
23 His thoughts were running north and west , up into Lochaber , the oakwoods and pinewoods at the foot of Loch Arkaig which had cradled him in his boyhood .
24 He looked back on the last ten days , reflecting on the events which had brought him to where he now was .
25 With the same energy which had prompted him in his surveying , he set about recording the topography of the Lake District , from early morning till dusk .
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