Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Keoi look like ordinary human individuals — men and women — and in fact they were this at some time , but they performed a forbidden act which transformed them into keoi .
2 She claims that two years later pupils began taunting her about her weight both in the playground and the classroom which reduced her to tears .
3 One maverick publication , The Return of William Shakespeare ( 1929 ) , featured an inspired chapter of Shakespearian criticism framed by an unconvincing science-fictional device which removed it to shelves not visited by scholars .
4 But travellers in Latin America in the early twentieth century found there stations which led them into rhapsodies of praise .
5 The self-abnegation of Friends , emptying themselves the better to be filled by the Light Within , did not then necessarily exclude the pursuit of righteousness in the world ; equally , in the outlook of growing numbers of Quakers in the early nineteenth century , this stance could merge with a stress on the experience of grace which aligned them with evangelicals .
6 The social engineering which placed them in positions of powerlessness ensured that the only female voice readily heard was that of the shrill tones of the satirised scold — a literary stereotype .
7 Many years before he had described , as we have seen the acute but generalized sense of apprehension which invaded him at times of stress or exhaustion and one recognizes in his temperament a permanent sense of impending doom and disaster — as if the world were always threatening to fall in upon him .
8 Hilary Robarts 's sultry handsomeness emphasized her own very different look , an old-fashioned , carefully tended but unselfconscious prettiness which reminded him of photographs of the late thirties .
9 It is to Alan Rough 's eternal credit that he developed a sense of humour which carried him through experiences that ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous .
10 A YOUNG Portadown businessman told today how a two-foot long piece of shrapnel which missed him by inches ended up embedded in an employee 's leg .
11 The rationing of food and of clothes , the air raid warnings which sent us into shelters , the trains which ran late and were always overcrowded , these things became an accepted part of life .
12 All three of the plaintiff 's friends were killed in the accident and the plaintiff sustained very grave injuries which kept her in hospitals and a rehabilitation centre for almost three years .
13 Almost before he got used to wearing the famous blue and white , Agnew suffered an injury which put him on crutches and out of action for virtually a season .
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