Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Even this demanding job left energy for much else , and at this time he began to organise art exhibitions , building on his own strong interest in the visual arts which had been fired by visits to Florence and Venice and by the mammoth Van Gogh show in the 1950s , and which led early to his abiding love of the Italian Renaissance giants and of such British artists as Prunella Clough , Keith Vaughan and RobertMedley .
2 I would draw members ' attention to the notes in block type at the head there , and that is you are working to guidelines which have been agreed by the Policy Panel and Policy and Resources .
3 In mid-January India had secured from the IMF the equivalent of US$1,800 million ( $777 million as the first tranche of a standby arrangement and $1,009 million under the compensatory and contingency financing facility — CCFF ) in order to boost foreign exchange reserves which had been eroded by rising oil prices and the loss of remittances from the Gulf and which had reached an unprecedented low in late 1990 .
4 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
5 The National Executive also noted " the proclaimed fact that the present application for affiliation is but an evidence of the deviation in the tactics which have been pursued by the Communist International in recent years " .
6 Other prospects include Cligga Head , a greisenised granite on the north Cornwall coast which has been examined by adits and drilling , and Redmoor , where drilling has shown a large , low-grade sheeted vein swarm up to 80 m wide and several hundred metres long .
7 The decision concluded a debate within the party and more generally on the country 's political future which had been launched by President Joao Bernardo Vieira in May 1990 [ see p. 37802 ] in response to demands for change .
8 But we er are welcoming the fact that there is a recognition of the rising population of Wales er in giving us this er this additional seat er primarily the additional population has not come in industrial South Wales which er er which er people think of perhaps as the most typically Welsh area , it 's actually in two counties of Clwyd and Dyfed that are erm growing most rapidly because of lifestyle migration , retirement migration erm into those two areas and that is why the additional seat , if you can put it that way , er takes from all the other four of course , is is the mid and West Wales seat which has been compared by the honourable member for Cornwall er tonight and it has only got a population of four hundred and one thousand but on the other hand of course it is such an extensive seat because the population sparsity in that area is much , much worse than even in Cornwall and therefore it is going to stretch from South of Milford Haven to the Llanrwst area really within probably twenty miles of the North Wales coast , it 's a who it 's the whole of two counties plus one additional very badly populated constituency erm in in the county of Gwynedd , an awkward constituency but one that we are certainly looking forward fighting and winning to give us the five out of five er now that er the boundaries are going through tonight and obviously it 's all in line really er to look at the other , the third order of course , the question of the registration of overseas voters in the nineteen ninety two election overseas voters had their first opportunity to participate in Westminster elections .
9 The TSBs have told us that their lending , started only in 1977 , is increasing rapidly ( within a quota which has been set by the Treasury ) .
10 They were filming at Bloomwater , a stately home in Berkshire which had been built by Sir Henry Manceville , an eccentric nobleman , in 1780 .
11 This page enables you to provide information about any DCs which have been superseded by this DC , up to a maximum of 10 .
12 On top of this , there may be areas of the police department which have been financed by special funds , perhaps in the form of trusts ; the costs of these areas will appear in a different fund again .
13 He ignores Freud 's other remarks : ‘ that the ego is that part of the id which has been modified by the direct influence of the external world … ’ .
14 to provide ( a ) an attraction for new residents to the area to provide a basic pool of manpower for the new industries , ( b ) a new and attractive environment in which to work and play , ( c ) an alternative quality of life to that normally associated with Tyneside and the declining industrial areas in South East Northumberland , and ( d ) a strong reservoir to meet the recurring economic crises which have been suffered by the North East since the last war .
15 Lead-free petrol is bad for your car 's health , according to motor mechanics who say they 're repairing dozens of cars which have been damaged by it .
16 A spokesman said : ‘ We had a substantial fall of snow which has been compacted by cars .
17 For my purposes , it suffices if I say that one of the questions was whether an original lessee is liable to pay a rent which has been increased by a variation in the terms of the lease reached between the assignee and the landlord .
18 Apart from the system of schools which has been introduced by the Europeans , there is no special school building in the Gikuyu sense of the word : the homestead is the school .
19 That brand of it is an offshoot of the United States v Europe confrontation which has been fuelled by the Ryder Cup and spilled over now into major championships , potentially the more so at the Masters where the winners for the past four years have been British .
20 The inquest heard that the children had got into the site through a hole in a wire fence which had been made by the fire brigade to drain and the tank .
21 Other groups may have bettered these results ; they are gleaned from Special Action Feedbacks which had been received by AIBS at the time we went to press .
22 Now can I ask first of all , are you , as we have a paper in front of us , are you happy to continue the discussion of the basis of the sector by sector approach , and in particular the sectors which have been identified by Mr ?
23 Hall defended the action he had taken and proposed that ‘ during the recess , to look at the designs which had been approved by the judges , and endeavour to ascertain the expense of carrying them out ; but nothing further would be done until the House was informed on that point ’ .
24 A public body may be applying a statutory term which has been defined by the courts and the question is whether the facts justify the application .
25 Nero 's adoption of this type of official portrait was an aspect of his revival of the practice of likening the emperor to a god , a practice which had been avoided by the emperors of the previous ninety years ( see also p. 40 ) ; at the same time the choice of this particular model marks a major stage in the growing importance Nero attached to his own theatrical and musical performances which , when given in public , deeply shocked traditional Romans .
26 Precedents which have been overruled by later decisions at a higher level .
27 For this purpose sensitive ‘ Serrate ’ detectors were fitted into Beaufighters — aircraft which had been developed by the Bristol Aircraft Company from the ‘ Britain First ’ , with substantial private sponsorship .
28 In late August , however , only days before the body was due to be transported , Imelda Marcos announced that the burial had been delayed on the grounds that she would not submit the body of her husband to the " indignity " of being transported on the cargo aircraft which had been offered by the Philippines ' government .
29 The plan is in the form of a Greek cross with arms of equal length and it is based upon the design of the famous Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople which had been begun by Constantine and rebuilt by Justinian but which was destroyed in 1463 .
30 The agreement released 1,300 million guilders ( US$720 million ) in aid which had been suspended by the Netherlands ( the colonial power until 1975 ) after the execution of leading Surinamese opposition figures by the military in December 1982 [ see pp. 31950-52 ] .
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