Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even this demanding job left energy for much else , and at this time he began to organise art exhibitions , building on his own strong interest in the visual arts which had been fired by visits to Florence and Venice and by the mammoth Van Gogh show in the 1950s , and which led early to his abiding love of the Italian Renaissance giants and of such British artists as Prunella Clough , Keith Vaughan and RobertMedley .
2 He said all the animals appeared to be domestic pets which had been dumped in the park , including a couple of angoras .
3 I would draw members ' attention to the notes in block type at the head there , and that is you are working to guidelines which have been agreed by the Policy Panel and Policy and Resources .
4 Most of the latter ( except Stopes 's five clinics ) affiliated with the Family Planning Association which had been formed from the National Birth Control Association in 1939 .
5 On May 26 , 1989 , the Belau and US governments signed a series of subsidiary agreements in Guam on additional economic and social aid as an incentive for the population of Belau to ratify the compact of free association which had been negotiated in 1982 .
6 On April 1 , 1990 , the Hungarian Zionists Association which had been dissolved after the Second World War , was re-established , with the aim of promoting the formation of a minority council within the Jewish community .
7 Mabbott 's reputation as a Leveller , which rests solely on the association which has been made between him and the radical newsbook , the Moderate , has been called into question .
8 My — though not necessarily her — interpretation of this observation leads me to ask whether in fact the capacity to show LTP might not be a purely artefactual phenomenon , which occurs only in animals which have been reared in the highly restricted environment of a research laboratory ?
9 So it was that R. Kuhn , in Switzerland , administered compounds which had been prepared in the laboratories of J. R. Geigy S. A. to patients who were withdrawn , inactive , and depressed .
10 This area contains some of the best designed and well-kept Georgian houses in the town , as well as a 19th. century blanket warehouse which has been converted into flats , all grouped round a small green .
11 The play is set in an old Thames warehouse which has been converted into a fringe theatre ( the seats certainly look authentically uncomfortable ) .
12 In human terms the reasoning which had been presented to him was filled with flaws and false assumptions .
13 The methods which have been described in detail in Chapter Three will be dealt with briefly here and emphasis will be placed on methods particularly suitable for online training .
14 Reports on the stables at Capel manor which have been listed following a request by SAVE
15 Chaovalit 's entry to government was expected to raise the prestige of the administration which had been beset over the previous year by a series of corruption scandals and labour disputes .
16 And though the protracted battles between Congress and the Bush administration which have been waged in recent years are unlikely , Clinton 's proposals could be changed significantly by Congress prior to enactment .
17 Grujović , an Austrian Serb , had been professor of law at Kharkov , and had acted as secretary to the Serbian delegation which had been sent to St Petersburg to enlist the support of the Russians .
18 As early as 1914 , arrangements for building new sick wards , that is , a workhouse infirmary , had been progressing , and in October , some sheds which had been used for wood chopping and storage were demolished to make way for the building of the new sick pavilions .
19 The house has two good sized reception rooms on the ground floor with a kitchen extension just behind the first floor we have the bathroom , the rear elevation and two bedrooms also access to the third bedroom which has been converted from the attic .
20 For the absolute beginner and those who lack the time or enthusiasm , the selection of a remedy can take place by considering primarily the very important symptoms of the remedies which have been printed in bold type , ignoring all the information in ordinary type .
21 May we have a debate on junk mail as soon as possible , to discuss a mailshot sent to many of my constituents by an organisation that is partly funded by Maxwell money which is so full of falsehoods that it would make the average time-share salesman blush ; which redefines the term ’ junk mail ’ and peddles dodgy , old-fashioned and out-of-date remedies which have been banned in most countries and which have passed their sell-by date ; and which bears the signature of an obscure Welsh politician , best known for losing his rag with Zimbabwean soldiers and for nutting people in public lavatories ?
22 In mid-January India had secured from the IMF the equivalent of US$1,800 million ( $777 million as the first tranche of a standby arrangement and $1,009 million under the compensatory and contingency financing facility — CCFF ) in order to boost foreign exchange reserves which had been eroded by rising oil prices and the loss of remittances from the Gulf and which had reached an unprecedented low in late 1990 .
23 This ignores repeated steps which have been taken at several levels of management to reduce uncertainty .
24 There was optimism at the beginning of February that the violence which had been waged in Azerbaijan and along its borders with Armenia with such ferocity in the previous month [ see pp. 37168-70 ] might be ended by peace talks between the leaders of the Azerbaijan Popular Front and Armenian Pan-National Front which began in Riga ( the Latvian capital ) on Feb. 1 .
25 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
26 Tactics which had been honed in the petty but ruthless world of student-union politics were now deployed in party meetings with devastating results .
27 The National Executive also noted " the proclaimed fact that the present application for affiliation is but an evidence of the deviation in the tactics which have been pursued by the Communist International in recent years " .
28 First , it distanced the riots from the social , economic , political , and other grievances which had been linked to them by locating the cause outside the ‘ social problems ’ of inner-city dwellers and in the ‘ simple greed ’ of the drug barons to accumulate ‘ loot ’ .
29 Other prospects include Cligga Head , a greisenised granite on the north Cornwall coast which has been examined by adits and drilling , and Redmoor , where drilling has shown a large , low-grade sheeted vein swarm up to 80 m wide and several hundred metres long .
30 War production — the very continuance of the war itself — depended on civilian morale ; morale determined the need to take account of the blueprints for the future which had been articulated before the war began .
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