Example sentences of "[noun] they [verb] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The story is told of one time Archbishop of Paris , who with two or three other of his friends as young lads they went into the great cathedral there at Notre Dame
2 Later on in the evening they go into the Greek bastard 's cab rank , ask for a cab to say …
3 Our interest , however , lies in the principles employed by the pupils themselves to fit the actions they describe into a meaningful framework .
4 It shows , say the authors , what a spanking investment the politicians are making with every cent of public money they put into the three big museums .
5 I could ask the other players ( providing of course that Leeds are in the Final ) , however because of all the troubles the players and Managers have had in the past , most of them wo n't sell their tickets and usually only give them to their families in case they fall into the wrong hands , and then they are in trouble .
6 At other times they retreat into the blue distance .
7 At midday they retreated into the cool darkness of their shops .
8 Public NME takes a dim view of types who persecute innocent human beings who just happen to enjoy the feel of women 's lingerie against their bollocks , but did find it quite funny that the be-wigged ‘ bomb victims ’ were so convinced it was an aerial attack they raced into a nearby hotel to beat up a perfectly innocent couple snogging on a balcony .
9 The arguments before us ranged far and wide , as they did before the judge , but in the end they resolved into the following issues which I propose to consider seriatim. ( 1 ) Can a non-trading corporation sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation when no actual financial loss is pleaded or established ? ( 2 ) Does the right to freedom of expression affect the position where the non-trading corporation is also a public authority ? ( 3 ) Does the operation of section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 , or any other matter contained in or omitted from the council 's statement of claim , preclude the council from continuing with this action ?
10 No solution was found : within a few years the European powers were at war again , essentially over the question whether Spain and her colonies were going to pass into the hands of a relation of the King of France or a relation of the Holy Roman Emperor ; in the end they passed into the French line of descent , and in the eighteenth century policy towards France had always to be conducted in the light of the possibility that the French and Spanish government might ally for war .
11 The driver knew that the further north they progressed into the wild untamed uplands , the more remote the oases of human habitation would become , and the less likely the chance of any assistance in his plight .
12 By resisting narcissism they force into the cultural imaginary a way of being a clever , gifted and ambitious professional woman ?
13 Catarrhal states ; coryza with much sneezing and obstruction every time they go into a cold wind .
14 The steps were narrow and winding , and by the time they emerged into a curving tunnel she had lost her sense of direction .
15 So the fringe players such as Preston , Ellis , Bachop , Cooksley and Dowd might have a very quiet tour of Australia , and thus not be march-hardened by the time they move into the five-match tour of South Africa .
16 The ladies ' K4 500m was slotted in at this point and although Dallaway/Davey/Eastwood/Thorogood were 8th in their heat they went into a semi final which acted as a repêchage .
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