Example sentences of "[noun] they [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Difficult for bread-and-butter manufacturers , never mind the makers of cars so far off the scale ( up to £80,000 for the 600SEL Merc and twice that for the Bentley ) that by any rational thinking they belong to a different era altogether — one without recession , a war just over and all the current uncertainties .
2 To Joseph 's startled ears they sounded like a simultaneous volley of a thousand rifle shots .
3 Vale dominated the first 45 minutes against a Stockport side they dismissed from the second division play-off last Wednesday .
4 ‘ To bring our people back to the innocence they enjoyed under the old king . ’
5 The story is told of one time Archbishop of Paris , who with two or three other of his friends as young lads they went into the great cathedral there at Notre Dame
6 Even today , in the amalgamated forces , this structuring principle holds good ; and many old hands still refer to the ‘ real police forces ’ as those small units they joined in the late 1960s and early 1970s .
7 On the first-floor terrace they sat at the round table while Roman did the honours with gin and tonics .
8 New Zealand rugby and the All Blacks were not quite protected by the armour-plating they wore in the two years after the 1987 World Cup triumph , but the Irish would pay testimony to the fact that the All Blacks had become a very hard bunch of men by the end of their tour .
9 In the third part of the series in which our road testers name the cars they rate as the best , the ultimate in luxury saloons comes to the fore .
10 The English embassy in France has a mansion in the Rue des Medeans , but in early spring they moved to a small castle outside Paris , the Chateau de Maubisson .
11 But these later pieces are of most use for the light they shed on the earlier development .
12 I think as a Group Captain er explained y'know the the operational staff have really got to complete their study into what kind of tactical reconnaissance capability they want in the next century .
13 In December , Stuttgart will host the Davis Cup final , in which the West Germans will defend the trophy they won for the first time by defeating Sweden in Gothenburg , and in the coming three years Frankfurt will stage the ATP Tour World Championship , which will supersede the Nabisco Masters in New York .
14 By and large they fell in happily with the exhortations they received from the Arab world not to take any unauthorized political initiatives .
15 In the third term they embark on a general survey of the History of Medicine and Science which allows them to put other subjects which the study into their historical context .
16 BSkyB will not renew the £13 million three-season deal they had with the Scottish authorities which expired at the end of last season .
17 He is justifiably proud of what he and his father achieved at Lingfield , not least the deal they struck with the redoubtable Cyril Stein of Ladbrokes when they bought the course from his company seven years ago .
18 In Rome these stressed the emperor 's achievements ( military victories , public works , etc. ) , his virtues and divine endorsement of his regime ; in the provinces they dwelt on the important cults or monuments of the city which made them .
19 It 's a pretty modest document , which was never going to appeal greatly to Dublin or the SDLP , who would have to abandon the leverage they have through the Anglo-Irish Agreement .
20 The idea that the superpowers are vital to the success of the peace process is based upon the influence they exert on the regional contestants , but in reality they have helped to perpetuate regional conflict and global competition in the area , with the encouragement of local clients .
21 It 's probably where the expression ‘ work like a dog ’ was born ; no wonder they shuffle under the shearing sheds and grab as much sleep as they can when they 're not clambering over sheep 's backs or kicking up the fine , red dust .
22 Three miles below the village they came upon the first of the hallowed plantations of Father Noah .
23 You have that choice , that chance to do that for my patients and I tell you , to be with you , to be part of you , I 'm as a , I learn for you , I think of you , and I can just tell you , I wish you all the best , but I wo n't forget your responsibility to help the medical profession to make , with the work they do for a better tomorrow possible , due to your work , your hard attempts to give that financial ability through the best insurance policies on the market today .
24 On an afternoon in late February they climbed to the great Iron Age hill-fort at Dowsborough , from where they looked down on ‘ a magnificent scene , curiously spread out for even minute inspection ’ ; and on other occasions they watched from the hills as the effects of the weather unfolded over the landscape below .
25 Consumers equate the gross price to the value of the marginal benefit they receive from the last film , but producers equate the marginal cost of films to the lower net-of-tax price of films .
26 Briefly , the available evidence shows that the benefit they confer on the various socio-economic groups changes according to government policies and they do not always give greater benefits to those living in council accommodation , as is often assumed .
27 Three bottles they drink between the two of them .
28 Queensland 's short , mild winter was slipping easily into a vibrant spring , and tropical plants and shrubs were beginning to fill the gardens they passed with a colourful bounty of flowers .
29 In chartered helicopters they hovered over the empty stretch of road between Fenny Stratford and Buckingham to photograph the bare tarmac and the last few barriers and police cars parked there at first light .
30 All necessary and desirable directions for disposing of the proceedings should be given at the pre-trial review , and the parties should as far as practicable ask for all the directions they need at the pre-trial review , giving prior notice to all interested parties ( Ord 17 , rr 1 and 3 ) .
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