Example sentences of "[noun] are always [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And above all , watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places .
2 And it is now recognised that the great mountain chains are always found on the side of the continental plate facing the direction of its drift .
3 They do this by adopting something like a structuralist understanding of signification systems , treating them as changing structures of oppositions and differences , where obvious meanings are always shadowed by the meanings they exclude .
4 The deliberations of formal committee meetings are always recorded in the form of Minutes .
5 Most importantly , the first ( and indeed later ) sallies are always related to the framework erected by survey , scenario and plan .
6 It is in fact a general feature of colliding electromagnetic plane waves that gravitational waves are always generated by the collision .
7 The same is time for visits to schools and for the school quiz , where Catholic schools are always paired on the same side as Protestant ones in order to facilitate , again momentarily , some intercommunal co-operation .
8 In the latter case judgements are always made on the student 's overall profile of achievements and no attempt is made to alter marks on modules to produce artificially a higher average .
9 But championships are always won at the front — just ask Alex Ferguson at Manchester United .
10 In consequence , when children die from neglect or are maltreated by their carers , questions are always asked about the role of the formal carers ; implicitly or explicitly , there is an assumption that formal care systems have in some way been deficient .
11 Because a signature may be difficult to decipher , the sender 's name and title are always typed at the end of the letter .
12 Un-expected frequency changes are always offered by the last controller in the UK , alleviating a panic reference to paperwork .
13 Parents turn up to see their own children doing something so attendance is bound to fall off if the major parts in the service are always taken by the same one or two children .
14 Major capital expenditures are always considered by the Board .
15 But the patients are always fascinated by the colours .
16 Unknowns are always discovered in the Copa de Republic .
17 The unit of study is , in fact , unlikely to be a whole society since , as an anthropologist , Goody is fully aware that the ways in which a society represents its own past are always entangled in the present ideological and political concerns of particular groups and factions .
18 It is a tendentious point , since the convention is that treaties are always signed by the executive .
19 E 1-FF The total number of digits to be printed excluding the decimal point and the digits after the E. Three characters or spaces are always printed after the E. If the number of significant figures called for is greater than 10 , then trailing zeros will be printed .
20 Individual points about style are always made in the context of a discussion of the feelings , attitudes or ideas that the text as a whole expresses , a discussion which is inevitably to a large extent intuitive and impressionistic .
21 His musical examples are always drawn from the repertoire of this period .
22 In the past they said men should n't be concerned about their looks and things , but it 's pretty obvious that they are , because boys are always looking in the mirror , and these days they have slicked-back hair and fancy clothes , and that sort of thing .
23 LM But natural beings are always living in the expectation or half-expectation of aggression .
24 In Sri Lanka the best specimens are always found on the shallower areas of the river-bed and by the water-pools by the river edges , where it is very muddy .
25 Those accusations are always made by the same people who have all but destroyed public support for the local authority concept because of their blindness to the requirements of good financial management within local authorities .
26 Dominance struggles are always enacted in the den where the symbols of rank — proximity to owners , food , toys and access to warm resting areas — are to be found .
27 ‘ I 've never actually analysed this before , ’ he says , ‘ but I suppose I think of the guitar as the medium which makes the voice work , and so my guitar parts are always written around the vocal .
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