Example sentences of "[noun] from time [prep] time in " in BNC.

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1 Be that as it may , the judges assumed this duty in 1292 and there are dicta from time to time in the succeeding centuries that it is one they have no power to give up .
2 There has been interest in these questions from time to time in the past , in particular in Britain between the end of World War Two and the early 1960s .
3 2.8 " Insured Risks " means fire [ lightning explosion aircraft ( including articles dropped from aircraft ) riot civil commotion malicious persons earthquake storm tempest flood bursting and overflowing of water pipes tanks and other apparatus and impact by road vehicles ] and such other risks as the Landlord from time to time in [ its ] absolute discretion may think fit to insure against
4 and in addition to the foregoing such other risks as the Landlord from time to time in its reasonable discretion may think fit to insure against or against which the Tenant may reasonably request the Landlord to insure
5 He had seen Hugo from time to time in the intervening years ; he knew from Hugo 's cousin Christian that his former tutor had fallen on hard times .
6 Ana seemed to pick up the vibes very quickly and tagged along with Mitch , laughing at his humour , turning her head from time to time in Maggie 's direction as if she could hear steam coming from her ears .
7 They would have to honour their homework commitments and take part from time to time in residential field trips and work experience courses .
8 I have difficulty from time to time in persuading some of my colleagues to believe that a boy not yet 21 could amass so much experience in such a short time ; he had completed two tours and looked like completing a third .
9 So we find that he conducted the Reformation Symphony from time to time in last years , but the superior Scottish on only one occasion .
10 Additional cover may be demanded by LCH from time to time in respect of initial or variation margin , as new contracts are presented by the member for registration , as the market price moves in relation to subsisting open contracts or when something occurs that might affect the member 's performance .
11 The view that the Lord 's Day is essentially the Jewish Sabbath — a ‘ taboo ’ day — transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week found expression from time to time in medieval law and theology .
12 Sunnyvale , California-based Boole & Babbage Inc is to buy back up to 250,000 common shares from time to time in the market time for employee stock option and stock purchase .
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