Example sentences of "[noun] at the [adj -est] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The British chiefs were anxious for American aid at the earliest possible moment in the event of war with the USSR .
2 The aim to teach and carry out research at the highest possible level in the University 's mission statement is key to the future successful development of the University .
3 The Nationalist government , led by Edward Fenech Adami , had filed an application for EC membership in July 1990 [ see p. 37625 ] and was strongly in favour of securing the country 's entry at the earliest possible date .
4 contribution rule at the earliest practical opportunity , with no difficult practical consequences for income support .
5 I do not intend to rehearse at length — the opportunity for that will come tomorrow — the powerful arguments , financial and practical , which would support the abolition of this rule at the earliest possible date .
6 All this reflected a recognition at the highest political level that the country 's foreign relations must include , at least for the time being and probably permanently , an unprecedented effort to shape and direct opinion abroad .
7 It is clear that by taking positive action at the earliest possible opportunity we have the opportunity to control how a claim develops .
8 A question that 's already been asked of me , on appendix C , up at employee at the largest single figure there is a hundred and thirty seven thousand eight hundred .
9 For that end , for that end , you people over there , who took a decision to implement Local Management at the earliest possible time , regardless of the state of preparation of each particular school , regardless of the resources of staff and equipment and , if that was not enough , you also introduced a cut of thirteen million pounds in education funding .
10 I do not know what purpose the meeting served in persuading Wapping of the merits of our plan , but it did enable me for the first and only time to see the terrain on which we were working and reinforced my enthusiasm to kill the committee at the earliest possible moment .
11 Thus , if the whole internal process were slowed down enormously , one could actually see a representation of each command executed by the machine at the lowest possible level of representation .
12 If the Government was serious about regaining the initiative it has so wretchedly lost , the Prime Minister would sanction the Chancellor to announce this morning that Britain is seeking to join the ERM at the earliest practical moment .
13 He was believed to be concentrating , however , on ( i ) guarantees of no military attack on Iraq in the event of its compliance , to be backed up by a UN peacekeeping force and arrangements under which the US and allied forces would withdraw from the region ; ( ii ) suggestions for some form of political expression for Kuwaitis after the withdrawal of the al-Sabah regime ; and ( iii ) the understanding that an international conference would discuss the Palestinian issue at the earliest convenient time .
14 After all , the first two merely restate the assumptions made earlier in Chapter 2 that investors prefer a higher expected return at the lowest possible risk .
15 While the ‘ frustration ’ felt by the commissioner , Sadako Ogata , at the continued blocking of the relief convoys was understandable , he said , ‘ we urge Mrs Ogata to order the resumption of humanitarian aid deliveries at the earliest possible moment . ’
16 ‘ However that be , ’ he said portentously , ‘ I have come to discharge my solemn duty to view the body of the deceased at the earliest possible opportunity . ’
17 It will be assumed for present purposes that society 's wealth is maximised when production takes place at the lowest possible cost , thus avoiding the waste of scarce resources ( the goal of ‘ productive efficiency ’ is satisfied ) , and goods and services are produced in the quantities and are of the quality demanded by consumers ( the goal of ‘ allocative efficiency ’ is satisfied ) .
18 On Sept. 17 the central government pushed through legislation postponing the polling set for Sept. 25 but promised that elections would take place at the earliest possible date .
19 Firstlight at the earliest possible moment . ’
20 He 's known to be self-opinionated , tenacious , a despiser of ‘ corporate bullshit ’ ( a favourite catchphrase is ‘ There are no Misters in this company ’ ) and a believer in the absolute rightness of making the best possible product at the lowest possible price .
21 He 's known to be self-opinionated , tenacious , a despiser of ‘ corporate bullshit ’ ( a favourite catchphrase is ‘ There are no Misters in this company ’ ) and a believer in the absolute rightness of making the best possible product at the lowest possible price .
22 A much more marketing-orientated approach is to take people into the school 's confidence at the earliest possible stage .
23 ‘ Then I suggest we reconvene our own meeting at the earliest possible opportunity .
24 A revitalised electricity industry is crucial to the supply of power to our factories and businesses at the cheapest possible price .
25 As for rugby … well , nothing quite so glaring , yet still enough to provoke a creeping unease about affairs at the highest international level , whether it concerns incomplete accounts for the 1987 World Cup ; unfulfilled profit projections , by a huge margin , with disturbing outline accounts emanating from the 1991 event ; and what seem to be , at the time of writing , so many unanswered questions about the 1995 World Cup .
26 The much celebrated correspondence in the matter of Arkell v Pressdram involved only two letters : the first , from the solicitors Goodman Derrick & Co , to the editor of " Private Eye " , ended with the familiar legal demand : " Mr Arkell 's first concern is that there should be a full retraction at the earliest possible date in " Private Eye " and he will also want his costs paid .
27 But the borrower must cooperate with the lender , particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment .
28 A. Long ago Glasgow was a small market town with a cathedral at the lowest bridging point of a shallow River Clyde .
29 This holds that through their actions in the market consumers oblige companies to produce the goods they require in the largest quantities at the lowest possible price .
30 Building societies are legally obliged to sell repossessed properties at the best possible price .
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