Example sentences of "[noun] at the old [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 So while the Citizens Theatre Company will present a production specific to the festival that week , the Tron will play host to 7:84 with a new Jackie Kay play , Clyde Unity will premiere a new John Binnie work , Gay Sweatshop will bring new product to the Arches , the Scottish Youth Theatre will present work at the Old Athenaeum and Tramway will programme international groups .
2 ‘ We 'd go to the public gallery at the Old Bailey and listen to the trials .
3 It was another autumn morning at the Old Course and the caddies , some tidy , some red-eyed and rough-shaven , loitered round their shack .
4 NINE former staff at the old Williams & Glyn 's Bradford Branch were soon talking about ‘ the good old days ’ when they met for a reunion in one of the city 's wine bars .
5 He was in the Lilian Baylis 1937 season at the Old Vic and returned to the Westminster for Pygmalion , Richard III , and more O'Neill , including a memorable portrayal of the old Ephraim Cabot in Desire Under The Elms in 1940 .
6 Driving back to Aubagne , Alex told me how the rest of them had spent the day throwing grapes at the old German and accusing him of being in the SS .
7 They could cut the face value of their loans by 35% , but get the old interest rate on what was left ; keep the original face value , but cut the interest rate to 6.25% ; or swap old debt for new debt at the old rates and face value , but with a promise to lend up to 25% more money , and without any of the security ( in the form of zero-coupon bonds held by America 's Federal Reserve ) that the two more generous options offered .
8 For instance , BBC staff who sell their own house at the old location and buy another property at the new location receive a grant of £1094 to cover the cost of miscellaneous expenses .
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