Example sentences of "[noun] with [art] [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 One of his most senior colleagues , Mr Michael Heseltine , the Environment Secretary , indicated that , if the Tories were the biggest party in a hung Parliament , Mr Major would draw up a programme of legislation and put it to the vote in Parliament rather than seeking any formal deal with the Liberal Democrats or Ulster Unionists .
2 Eamonn McCann , the ‘ unofficial Labour ’ candidate in Londonderry , demanded that the Official Unionist , Robin Chichester-Clark , dismiss those members of his constituency party who had made a deal with the Protestant Unionists or be seen as a puppet on a Paisleyite string .
3 The desire to be sixteen forever has caused the sound of being sixteen — noisy guitar primitivism with no added knobs or frills — to become fetishized , petrified .
4 They will not therefore require the full range of facilities offered by mental illness hospitals , though many will still require assistance with the normal activities or daily living .
5 While in command of Venturous I missed out on a lot of the big drug operations through being in the north of Scotland , but I always enjoyed working as part of a team with the other cutters or any of the shore units .
6 Some manufacturers are now producing juices with no artificial preservatives or added sugar — delicious and lower in calories too .
7 Any issues affecting the relations of the Serbs with the imperial authorities or with their Muslim landlords and neighbours had to be dealt with by the Muslim authorities , most of whom operated from the cosmopolitan cities .
8 The patient was discharged home 17 days after admission with no further arrythmias or biochemical dysfunction .
9 Similarly the war pension scheme pays out relatively flexible and generous pensions for disability arising from service with the armed forces or wartime civilian casualties .
10 And er she contrasts what erm except in official reports gypsy camp sites er er sort of say they 're dirty and , terribly dirty er paint of picture of erm people with no civilized standards or er er , that 's er , the geourgo view of it .
11 fix it firmly at the vase with a few stitches or a spot of glue and pull it round the ‘ neck ’ by winding a thread round it ( you 'll have a few small folds here ) .
12 Overseas expansion was often led by men with no clear instructions or with instructions that they ignored , but the Spanish conquistadores like Cortes and Pizzaro took this further than most .
13 Either the form with the above-mentioned characteristics or a slightly larger form with longer leaves .
14 Full of fruit with no artificial preservatives or colourings , they taste just like home-made jam .
15 This is especially true if the group starts from scratch with no designated roles or previous experience of working together .
16 As the genes in question appear to work in the same way in mice and people it should be possible to develop ways of detecting the genes in people at risk and discovering methods of implanting cells with the normal genes or blocking the action of the defective genes .
17 The submucosal and myenteric neural plexuses seemed normal in number and morphology with no intraneuronal inclusions or vacuolation present .
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