Example sentences of "[noun] that there have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The allegation that there has been undue secrecy seems untrue .
2 However , in recent years a blitz on such companies has been mounted with the result that there has been some improvement .
3 The last faint hope that there had been some mistake died .
4 So great is the slaughter that there has been enormous public concern and since 1978 my colleagues and I have studied the effect of road casualties on the toads that breed in the lake at Llandrindod Wells , in mid-Wales .
5 It was reported on TV-AM that there had been forty arrests as a result of the riot , but it was not known if any charges would be brought .
6 Three-quarters felt that there had been little feedback following its presentation .
7 It was the first time in the campaign that there had been any rapport between the embattled figures on the platform and the assembled press and television correspondents .
8 If an Act is challenged on the basis that there have been procedural defects during its passage through Parliament , will the courts look behind the formal words of enactment and inquire whether the requirements of the common law have been satisfied ?
9 For example , a statement by the vendor that there have been various disputes by the employees completely undermines the warranty .
10 At least for the period 1980 to 1984 , WIRS fails to offer substantiating evidence that there has been any growth in the use of this form of temporary worker .
11 It is difficult to find evidence that there has been massive deterioration in the morality and behaviour of the common people , in comparison to the preindustrial work .
12 Thus the Treasury in its evidence to the Wilson Committee stated that ‘ there is no evidence that there have been real constraints on the supply of funds to industry . ’
13 It is hardly surprising that Gamble concludes that " there is only limited evidence that there have been significant discontinuities in economic policy-making caused by the adversary positions adopted by the parties " .
14 It is from this stance that there has been much recent emphasis on subject depth in the training of teachers , and a virtual embargo on teaching for those with degrees in subjects ‘ not on the school timetable ’ .
15 He led the way down the gangplank complaining vaguely to his friends that there had been some disgusting favouritism somewhere .
16 Opposition parties persisted with their accusations that there had been innumerable instances of ballot box rigging , intimidation of voters and the expulsion of opposition representatives at many polling stations .
17 He understood from her face that there had been bad news .
18 It is by no means the first time that there has been unacceptable , totally unsporting behaviour along such lines in that part of the world .
19 The interview had gone well and , despite the fact that there had been three other candidates , the job was hers .
20 Despite the fact that there have been many reports describing the central effects of neuropeptides on gastric and pancreatic secretion , there has been only one previous report of the effects of a centrally acting peptide on biliary secretion .
21 ‘ One faces a decision , I guess at such times , about how far to go with company instructions , and since the spirit of such meetings only appeared to be correcting a horrible price level situation , that there was not an attempt to actually damage customers , charge excessive prices , there was no personal gain in it for me , the company did not seem actually to be defrauding , corporate statements can evidence the fact that there have been poor profits during all these years …
22 The line operates every Tuesday and gets dozens of calls , because , despite the fact that there have been fewer home repossessions over the last few months , the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux say that more people are getting themselves into debt .
23 Further , the fact that there has been such a steep rise in the number of divorces , combined with a fairly high rate of remarriage , means that a rising proportion of all marriages are of people marrying for at least the second time .
24 Apart from the fact that there has been significant support for the alliance party over the last dozen years or so among the catholic middle classes , there is also a further factor .
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