Example sentences of "[noun] that they [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many would-be claimants are so afraid of going into solicitors ' offices that they try the local Citizens ' Advice Bureau ( CAB ) first .
2 Another aspect of the debate on taxation and labour participation is the claim that taxation rates in the UK are higher in relation to those prevailing in other industrial countries , with the result that they encourage the professional and the well-paid to emigrate to other lower taxed countries .
3 Trading Standards however important , and Trading Standards is very important , erm , when you 're getting down to erm , reductions in equipment and uniforms and men , then lives are at risk , it is really a matter of er , er , of , of for our fire fighters that they have the right equipment and the right uniform and when it actually comes down , you ca n't compare that to maybe reductions in Trading Standards .
4 In the empire of the Tsars , the twin revolutions offered such a strikingly different alternative that they overshadowed the remarkable changes elsewhere — the disintegration of the Habsburg and Ottoman empires , and the appearance of a host of new States .
5 But it is in their generalized role as the preventers and headers-off of criminality that they give the greatest value to schools as well as to young people and their families .
6 The acceptance of the Gentile Christians without a requirement that they keep the Mosaic law seemed to the rabbis an excessive liberalism , and relations between church and synagogue after their separation had become final ( probably about ad 85 ) were not comfortable .
7 Health officials are so worried that they are asking people to double check that they have the correct vaccinations before leaving the country .
8 Tam Dalyell is misleading readers by illustrating generic substitution of drugs with the substitution of one car by a different one on the basis that they do the same job ( Forum , 17 March , p 749 ) .
9 Kirsten proved a fine role model for the impressionable Rhodes throughout the tour , and while on the surface the pair could n't be more contrasting in appearance or temperament , there is no doubting that they shared the same total commitment to their game and country .
10 And it was to their credit that they accepted the new er system er and the new times .
11 Whether this is because their earlier success is an indicator that they have the appropriate capabilities , or because their earlier study has been important in preparing them for entry , or some combination of these , is difficult to say definitively without further research .
12 The constables were keen to display to the field-worker that they knew the appropriate law to apply and that the law gave formal justification to their decisions , but there were a variety of other factors which facilitated this sensitive interpretation of the law .
13 It was only when doing a post-mortem that they discovered the two small puncture marks side by side on her left buttock .
14 There is evidence that they damage the immune system and cause cancer in animals ; the effects on humans are disputed .
15 The concept of equisignificance can now be easily explained , for to say of two symbols that they have the same meaning is merely to say that they both express the same species of thought .
16 When we debated the matter last year , some hon. Members opposed the Bill on the ground that they opposed the then route for the rail link .
17 Either way , the word seems to suggest that it was their inability or refusal to suckle which was regarded as characteristic — a supposition exactly in line with my theory that they represent the masculine , aggressive , weaning mothers of early agriculture .
18 Such was their passion that they tore the hapless Pentheus to shreds in an orgiastic fury .
19 It is while at an Instructor training course at the scouts ' Longbridge centre that they met the infamous Saun Baker and started to paddle with an informal group of Thames weir bashers .
20 These figures suggest that slightly fewer than a quarter of our most influential church musicians are professionals , in the sense that they derive the major part of their income from music .
21 It was only some time later when he was safely on his way to Theatre that they realised the whole lot had been filmed .
22 It is clear from unofficial remarks by Sony that they see the initial market in ‘ interactive music ’ applications and there is little doubt that the hi-fi stereo music capabilities of the player will be one of the keys to early mass market success .
23 But , many pilots plan on the false assumption that they have the total time inbound in which to reach their DH .
24 They prefaced their findings by the statement that they applied the objective test to determine whether the vehicle was intended or adapted for use on public roads and they asked the question which was suggested by Lord Parker in Burns v Currell 1963 2QB 433,440 .
25 I was going to do it this morning and bring and for the box that they have the old prayer I think going up to Yugoslavia soon
26 New witnesses have told police that they saw the two youths with James in Walton .
27 She telephoned him at lunchtime on Monday , and he seemed happy with her suggestion that they meet the following day .
28 He suggested to the Downton MD that they keep the two girls to their contracts , but release Curtis and Marsh .
29 One way and another , it appears that the search for a new chief executive for IBM Corp is not going too well as one after another , the most fancied candidates declare that they are non-runners — so long after their names were first widely canvassed in the press that they leave the strong impression that they have considered or been considered for the job , but after having looked into it , decided that they would n't touch it with a bargepole : latest to declare his belated non-candidacy is former Hewlett-Packard Co chief executive John Young , who says he is ‘ definitely not a candidate ’ — ‘ He 's enjoying retirement , ’ said a Hewlett spokeswoman ; all attention is now focussed on the thought-to-be front runners that have n't ruled themselves out — Paul Stern , recently retired chairman and tough manager of Northern Telecom Ltd , who could be planning to repeat his double act at that company with another former IBMer , Edward Lucente , who has also just resigned from Northern Telecom ; the other two whose odds have shortened are George Fisher , chairman and chief executive of Motorola Inc , Morton Myerson , chairman of Perot Systems Corp , and Louis Gerstner , head of RJR Nabisco Co ; industry sources told Reuter that the name of Michael Armstrong keeps coming up within IBM — but he quit only a year ago , and has just taken the top job at Hughes Aircraft Co .
30 There seems little doubt that they mark the tensional effects of the splitting apart of the two Atlantic-facing plates .
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