Example sentences of "[noun] that be going [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the struggle and confusion that was going on in my heart I knew that he loved me and I loved him , but I also knew that I must leave him !
2 But if you think about it in contemporary terms I I was giving a lecture in London er a couple of weeks ago erm on the subject of erm America 's changing foreign policy under Clinton if you just think about foreign policy making and who makes it , and questions of consistency and you think about some of the crises that are going on in the world from Bosnia and so on what does the constitution tell us ?
3 The artistic reason is that he is old-hat ; Catalans prefer to be known for the airy constructions that are going up for the Olympic Games .
4 During my right hon. Friend 's discussions , did he have a chance to discuss the appalling slaughter that is going on between Armenians and Azeris , not least over the Armenian conclave of Nagorny-Karabakh ?
5 the local communities have been ignored in these issues and these discussions that are going on between British Coal and the County Council .
6 Karloff recalled the chaos that was going on around him : ‘ When we started filming , the removal men came to take away the sets .
7 Switchboard use it a lot again , to try and get to the bottom of , you know , calls that are going through to the wrong place and things like that .
8 I get clues as to how a particular family organises its life , whether the room is a room for the whole family or a , a room that 's perhaps excludes children or a room that 's for best , that kind of which not only tells you something about that particular family but , when you 've seen enough homes , tells you about general patterns that are going on in social life .
9 It was n't that I was n't listening , I heard him all right ; but I was busy with my own thoughts , or , rather , my own feelings — the two were inextricably mixed together at this moment — and what he said was merely a background to the tumult that was going on inside me .
10 The right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East immediately tried to suppress that , and that is indicative of the battle that is going on in the Labour party — It was said by the Leader of the Opposition himself .
11 The view also implies that the teacher is seen by pupils as having total responsibility for leading and controlling the work that is going on in the classroom .
12 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
13 If , on the other hand , the teacher has it in the back of their mind always to be aware of the possibility of bringing into the work that 's going on in the classroom and bringing all they 're usually very excellent pedagogic skills to bear on it , aspects of the physical sciences , so that the children can get an early and meaningful introduction to it , then it will happen .
14 Once it is understood that the symptoms of disease are actually a good thing in that they are the highly characteristic outward indication of the healing and balancing process that is going on inside each individual person , then to give a medicine that is capable of mimicking and bringing about that same process suddenly seems to be a good idea ; both totally reasonable and logical .
15 We have an excellent reputation in Oxfordshire as an Education Authority erm and a reputation which extends around the country , so I do see it as a vote of confidence , and I am very pleased about it , but I do think that the whole exercise was somewhat premature in the light of the erm research and investigation that was going on into the tertiary college , and indeed the consulting process actually ran through at the same time as the campaign was running on whether the Banbury School should opt out , and erm regrettably I think has lost something as a result of having the two run together .
16 Because because there 's so many there 's so many things that are going on at the moment that it it does take time .
17 We can , we can badger our MPs and erm until they do and , and because they are oblivious to a lot of things that are going on in their own , you know till we put it in front of them .
18 What we were expecting and erm he wanted to know , to a large extent , how we felt about all the erm things that are going on in the parish .
19 It 's us and people out there , there is still people out there sighing and crying and groaning under the detestable things that are going on in this world , I 've no doubt you 've met many , but , when they say I do n't know what the world 's coming to , well if you know what 's in your magazines and then your literature and the reasoning book , all these lovely provisions , because you 've devoured it , you 've eaten it like that scroll that John was given , it was sweet to him was n't it ?
20 Increasingly , as we 've been studying the problems of developing countries , two major changes have been occurring ; one in our own thinking that in many ways problems of developing countries are linked in extricably with things that are going on in Britain or Europe or other parts of the so-called industrial world , and secondly that as we 've been studying developing countries , we 've been finding that more and more problems in Britain and other industrial countries begin to look like some of the same problems that we 've been used to in developing countries .
21 Going to the first GLF meeting brought together these two aspects of myself as I saw for the first time the emotional need to have a context where I could be open and proud of my gayness , as well as the political context where my sexuality would seem relevant to all the other things that were going on around me at work and in the country at large .
22 Dramatic as imprinting is as a form of learning , it suffered from my point of view from the problem that for a bird to become imprinted requires exposing it to the stimulus , the flashing light or whatever , for a couple of hours ; memory builds up slowly over that time , and so the cellular changes that are going on during the period inevitably intermingle the effects of learning and of visual stimulation with those of memory formation .
23 easy when you 're working with figures that are going up in regular steps and they all go up in regular steps and they all go up in regular steps and the next one does n't .
24 Although this appears to be a field of management studies that is going out of fashion , nevertheless I think one disregards the work of sociologists at one 's peril .
25 Frank what about this argument that 's going on about the free kick that was disallowed ?
26 But it 's still the same , but it 's the pains that I got the last time that 's gon it 's like sharp pains that 's going round about , just the insides of the nipple .
27 As you know doubt are aware of the importance that it is to us in that area of the and the current enquiry that 's going on at the moment .
28 Not with all these murders that 's going on with the cos there was that girl was n't there ?
29 We 've got a whole erm , a whole erm organisation that in fact the Council for Voluntary Service only this week made an appointment with a very , very , very , very small amount of money that 's been made available on a very , very part-time basis , to actually assist with that , with the planning that 's going on in the voluntary sector .
30 Mutuality is at the heart of the Godhead , ‘ the divine litany , the Father to Son to Spirit communication that is going on in the life of God himself . ’
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