Example sentences of "[noun] i will [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In each case I will stop the film every five seconds .
2 In each case I will stop the film every five seconds .
3 I want the opportunity to state the fact , in which case I will withdraw the statement .
4 Chairman I 'll get the ball rolling I suppose erm I have to deal with the ludicrous sh statement from County Council now the savings , proposed savings on the fire cover review .
5 The erm , with that addition I will move the recommendation in paragraph three of minute twelve of the property sub-committee 's minutes , to make representation to the association of county council urging the Government to reconsider it 's policy in not allowing local authorities permanently to make use of the full amount of capital realised from sales of assets .
6 Of course I 'll get the restaurant to cater , but I want it to be intimate — just the two of us on the balcony .
7 half elastic and it 's like pleats at the back and er blue , nearly blue pleating and these two blouses , er I try , if they 're not any good I 'll send the buggers back
8 I 'll put the hind seat I 'll bring the bag back .
9 But tell Edgar Linton I 'll have the boy one day !
10 In the following chapter I will prepare the way for an analysis of that kind and in Chapter 11 I will propose an account of theory change in physics that does not hinge on the judgements of individuals or groups .
11 I 'll be popping up and down to see how you are , an' when it gets dark I 'll light the lamp .
12 So when it comes before the Council I will let the Town Clerk have this and then it 's important that , if the Council agrees , they should be included .
13 ‘ If you 've got a pen I 'll read the directions as they gave them to the family . ’
14 In a moment I will produce the recipe — and please , will readers do their best to suspend disbelief until they have tried it ? — but one of the main points about this recipe is that it taught me ( for after all , one does not buy lobsters all that often ) that anisette is , improbably but incontrovertibly , a quite magical ingredient in fish dishes and sauces .
15 But one of these days I 'll fit the puzzle together and find out what kind of woman you really are . ’
16 If I call it by this name I will have the whole of a dental audience with me .
17 ‘ One day I 'll get the scissors and shear off all that fleece ! ’
18 I want the observer to note the training methods used what basically went on and at the end of the day I will see the person who 's been in training make a paper aeroplane and I will judge these on two criterias
19 With this mark I will tell the life of our family , and our hunts , and this life will always be spoken of . ’
20 With this mark I will find the wings to fly to the warm place .
21 Mind yer , I do n't s'pose fer one minute I 'll get the job .
22 Well when you get a chance I 'll have the accounts as well
23 If Cook complains to Mrs Bradford I 'll get the sack . ’
24 There in the magical land of P'eng Lai I will gather the grass of immortality .
25 ‘ If it 's not sorted out this week I will pull the plug . ’
26 I could of done my work today though Kim and Richard came over when I was poorly she got the duster straight out she said nanny I 'll polish the furniture because I knows you get upset .
27 In this paper I will examine the reasons behind the , the C C P policy through this crucial period of land reform in China .
28 ‘ I will take you back to the cage … and in the morning I will give the order that you are to be called by any name you want . ’
29 And we 're looking for parcels , quality traffic being I 'll do the talking today
30 Later in this book I will argue the importance of this approach to develop skills of ‘ language across the curriculum ’ , but in the lower primary booklets produced by the Science Education Programme for Africa ( SEPA ) we have a brilliant prototype for developing basic scientific and mathematical skills across subject boundaries .
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