Example sentences of "[noun] be [verb] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the fortunate event of no major occurrence in any particular year , would the premiums be waived for the following year , or if there was profit distribution who would benefit ?
2 Can a case be made for the continued provision of such housing ?
3 But normally either the land was eventually to be divided equally between the children or , more typically where land was scarcer , the land itself would go to a single son and provision be made for the other children in cash — very often advanced earlier in life , on marriage or to set up in a trade .
4 This has now become a listed building and should a buyer be found for the surplus Ministry of Defence land , a pre-requisite would be the dismantling of the hangar and its re-erection on RAF Museum land .
5 Thus could economic statehood be achieved for the economic union .
6 It was n't that she had n't been talking to Mandy , it was just that she had let her displeasure over that application be felt for an entire week now .
7 The report recommended that clear and enforceable standards be introduced for the following : • supervision requirements ; • maximum duty times and minimum training requirements for lifeguards ; • provision of safety equipment ; • provision of extra services within swimming pools , such as supplying of food and drink , use of diving boards , slides and flumes .
8 Thus , if the grant or demise be made for a particular purpose , the grantor or lessor comes under an obligation not to use the land retained by him in such a way as to render the land granted or demised unfit or materially less fit for the particular purpose for which the grant or demise was made …
9 This figure would increase to 1,232,750 should a density of 100 persons per acre be adopted for the central area .
10 Although his owner , Charles St George , obviously feels his colt has the necessary speed for Newmarket , he and trainer Henry Cecil will no doubt be hoping for a strong pace on 21 October .
11 In this case the strings would no doubt be used for the accompanying chords , forming , as is their wont when required , a perfect background .
12 In the meantime , let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for .
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