Example sentences of "[noun] for [noun pl] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Referrals er he was adamant it was two hundred pounds he was gon na get so there was an opportunity for referrals at the end from , from people that work with him .
2 There is money to be made from ivory worth an average family 's income for years at the risk of six months in gaol at no expense to you .
3 Robert McKenzie , 52 , of Eastburn Road , in Glasgow , had raised an action against Cape Building Products for damages at the Court of Session in Edinburgh .
4 ‘ Do we have enough air ? ’ ; through controlling proceedings : ‘ I 'll be talking for ten minutes , with five minutes for questions at the end ’ ; and through acting as guide to the presentation , by commenting on the route , ‘ So that 's my second point .
5 As part of the survey , open diagnostic workshops were held for women to share their experiences and ideas for a better future for women at the Bar .
6 They were Christmas presents for patients at the Friarage Hospital .
7 The directors are accordingly not obliged to maximise current profits in order to satisfy short-term demands for dividends at the expense of a growth in profitability over a longer period .
8 There , a well-established elementary school was rapidly turned into a small secondary modern school under the same head ( an old boy of Banbury County School , of course ) and with three forms of entry for pupils at the age of eleven .
9 It is doubtful , indeed , whether the difficulties it faced in 1861 and 1862 were as great as they look , and it is highly unlikely that the tsar decided in 1861 to substitute conservatives for reformers at the heart of the imperial administration .
10 Finally , the decision to ban trade union membership for workers at the intelligence gathering centre ( Government Communications Headquarters ) at Cheltenham in 1984 was taken outside the Cabinet and Cabinet committees .
11 the use of pesticides , which had grave implications for creatures at the top of food chains where the chemicals were concentrated , became the major problem of the 60s ; oil pollution of the sea was sometimes catastrophic in the 70s .
12 ‘ The college has been great offering to find a school for the children , and after school I will be encouraging them to join in the dance and fitness classes for children at the college . ’
13 We have also used a more leisurely 3-month period for trainees at the beginning of their professional careers .
14 we will do all we can for , well especially at the centre and while , whilst acknowledging the need for it to resource at the schools at this conference the voluntary agencies , parents and even teachers admitted the greater need for specialists at the centre , that is we want more education psychologists , advisors of all sorts and er , therefore supporting options er at ten , one C , small roman one , and small roman three on the agenda , but er that is reluctantly not er not small roman two .
15 Attempts have been made to regularize the position and , in 1966 , the Russell Report on the Supply and Training of Teachers recommended that , by 1969 , a professional training requirement should be introduced for all new entrants into the further education colleges , a recommendation that was never implemented because of the urgent need for teachers at the time and the shortage of money .
16 It was exactly the programme the BBC needed in its battle with ITV for viewers at the end of 1978 .
17 We will be screening , in conjunction with the Puffin Book Club , a series of films for schools at the Midlands Arts Centre .
18 Because there is no one governing body for hypnotherapists at the time of writing , you will want to ensure that the one you consult has received proper training .
19 As chancellor of the University of Glasgow , the Duke of Montrose was solicited for the scholarships in the University 's gift tenable at the University of Oxford , known as Snell 's exhibitions , while Sir James Grant of Grant was constantly being asked for bursaries for students at the University of St. Andrews .
20 The rheidity of ice is a few weeks , that of salt about a year , but igneous rocks will only exhibit rheid flow after a stress has been applied for hundreds of years , in the case of deeply buried rocks subject to elevated temperatures , or tens of thousands of years for rocks at the surface .
21 We 've got a lot of educational stuff for children , erm we 're running a series of what are known as Pittstops , which is workshops for children at the Pitt Rivers Museum , all on a rainforest theme , erm rainforest collage , rainforest dance , rainforest masks and rainforest stories .
22 There 's plenty of room for non-sailors at the hotel .
23 That means that no one has moved up to make room for newcomers at the bottom .
24 There are as we shall see , problems for consumers at the retailing stage in the sense that distribution is notoriously complex and subject to a variety of restrictive practices , but this is a common feature of the domestic market that applies to all consumer products whether Japanese or foreign .
25 As a child Susan used to turn the pages for pianists at the club 's concerts , and went on to get a music degree .
26 They belong to the work which he disowned and attempted to destroy when he relaunched himself with ‘ Three Studies for Figures at the base of a Crucifixion ’ ( 1944 ) , the triptych which opens all conventional accounts of Bacon 's art .
27 His first major painting is generally acknowledged to be ‘ Three studies for figures at the base of a Crucifixion ’ shown at the Lefevre Gallery , London , in a mixed show with works by Moore and Sutherland .
28 Regnier was preparing an exhibition on the theme of Picasso 's crucifixions , for which Bacon had often expressed his profound admiration , and the ‘ Three studies for figures at the base of a Crucifixion ’ will be shown there .
29 Accordingly , when damages for dilapidations at the end of the term come to be assessed , the tenant is entitled to have the damages assessed according to the cheaper option of stripping out the fixtures or leaving them in repair .
30 Former farmer Michael Bell organised a race for porkers at the county show after seeing hog racing while he was on holiday in Canada .
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