Example sentences of "[noun] for [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The outcome of these cases is that the Chinese wall has not been seen as providing satisfactory protection for the interests of the former client and , despite the existence of a Chinese wall , the courts have required the law firms not to act on behalf of the new client .
2 I now come to what I regard as the plaintiffs ' most convincing argument , namely , that paragraph 33 of Buckley J. 's order , combined with the letter dated 23 October 1991 from the Crown Prosecution Service , provides effective protection for the defendants against the criminal consequences of having to disclose incriminating information or documents by virtue of paragraphs 18(a) and ( c ) and 19(a) and ( c ) of the order .
3 Thus , we are prompted to suppose that an unspecified industrial strategy on the one hand is so like matters of health and safety for the purposes of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 , or like employment protection for the purposes of the Employment Protection Act 1975 on the other , as to amount to much the same kind of thing as they are ; and so to accept the view that , just as the second is a subject for joint regulation by management and unions or of prior discussion between management and unions , so too should the first .
4 In the end the police decided not to seek to ban the march but to police the route and to provide protection for the marchers against the violence which had been threatened by opposing factions .
5 Then they lunched , visited the extremely hard-working Swiss masseurs , and spent the remainder of the day resting in preparation for the rigours of the following morning .
6 In recent years , strong parish based courses — especially in preparation for the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confirmation — have grown up and schools have been happy to change their programme accordingly .
7 Jimmy Carter 's limited experience in politics had not given him adequate preparation for the demands of the White House .
8 The trial judge sensibly obtained the agreement of counsel for the defendants to the case proceeding on the basis of defined issues .
9 This provided the opportunity for the members of the committee to see something of the rural development problems and programmes in Lewis and Harris , and discuss them with some of those working on them .
10 Clearly , however , the disputed collectorship was creating an unusually good opportunity for the enemies of the Montrose interest to split that interest and thus prepare the way for an attack upon it on a future occasion .
11 Although there is no express statutory provision to this effect , contracts traded on other futures exchanges would also be treated as for investment purposes , and hence are investments for the purposes of the Act .
12 In the US , the arts briefly hit the headlines when President Bush unedifyingly threw the Head of the National Endowment for the Arts to the wolves of the right–wing electorate because the NEA had sponsored some difficult , and , in particular , sexually explicit arts projects in recent years .
13 The National Endowment for the Arts in the United States has been under heavy fire for its choices , as is usual for Ministries , whether in nineteenth-century France or the present-day USSR .
14 ‘ If , ’ he says , ‘ the city council grants full planning permission for The Galleries in the next few weeks , it will not simply be shooting itself in the foot but blowing off its entire leg . ’
15 In the interim , as an earnest of the importance that we attach to this matter , my Department has today issued article 14 directions to prevent the county councils from granting permission for the applications for the time being .
16 ( 4 ) The provisions of section 68 of this Act shall apply to any remises or place in respect of which an occasional permission is granted as they apply to licensed premises , with the substitution of references to the holder of the permission for the references to the holder of a licence .
17 The G M B's influence in the British labour movement and congress also provides a sounding board for the views of the political nature which can have a significant impact on the direction of the Labour Party .
18 Unfortunately , although the case for the benefits of the retrospective conversion of the Library 's General Catalogue was accepted , SOED did not find it possible to fund the project in 1991–92 .
19 But promising newcomer Victor Ubogu has taken his shirt leaving the older hand desperate to push his case for the Barbarians against the world champions , Australia .
20 He was opening the case for the banks on the sixth day of the application by the district auditor to have the transactions ruled ultra vires — beyond the council 's legal powers .
21 The new Fort Garry Station at Winnipeg of 1911 contained elaborate provision for the offices of the agents .
22 Many organizations such as the Royal National Institute for the Blind ( RNIB ) and that for the deaf ( RNID ) provide services on a national basis , aiming to promote better understanding of and provision for the needs of the people they represent .
23 Here the LEA had argued that a child ( J ) with dyslexia did not have special educational needs requiring special educational provision for the purposes of the 1981 Act , because he was an intelligent child whose needs could be provided for in an ordinary school .
24 Mr E. O. Warner of James Purdey & Sons Ltd. with his original entry in the firm 's ledger for the guns in the Dolls ' House , 65 years after writing it .
25 There 's no prospects for instance for the men at the moment without strong negotiations .
26 Fair-haired , but perhaps somewhat slight of build for the rigours of the lower reaches of the Football League , Bernard was certainly a fast and cagey winger , and his talent was recognised when he was selected for the 3rd Division South representative side against the 3rd Division North , in the fifth and final match between them at Selhurst Park on 30 October 1957 .
27 In all first-class cricket , including several fiery outings for the Gentlemen versus the Players , he took 720 wickets at an average of 20.55 each .
28 Richard III would have had some sympathy for the frustrations of the Afghan guerrillas in their fight for Jalalabad .
29 Third , his sympathy for the traditions of the old Canterbury monks .
30 In its sympathy for the families of the victims , the public was inclined to forget that any passenger aircraft with the Stars and Stripes on its tail would have served as a target as well as another .
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