Example sentences of "[noun] was taken [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Richard was taken to Stratford-upon-Avon for a week where they saw Marlowe 's Dr Faustus and the ex-schoolteacher had his ward up in the morning in the hotel gardens to study and learn by heart the great speeches .
2 In his teens , with his father 's health deteriorating , Richard was taken to Hollywood to be his ‘ personal assistant ’ .
3 The Gnostic critique and rejection of the Creator God of the Old Testament was taken to extremes by Marcion in the first half of the second century .
4 Although Hamdi denied that his reform programme was taken under pressure from the IMF , it followed a visit by an IMF team and was given a cautious welcome by the organisation .
5 Plummer argued that D was partly derived from a predecessor of the St Augustine 's chronicle , and that this was itself descended from an Abingdon manuscript which also lies behind C. He thus explained the presence in E of various entries on abbots of Abingdon which are also in C. Possibly an Abingdon version of the Chronicle was taken to Canterbury in 1044 when its abbot , Siward , replaced Archbishop Eadsige , who had resigned because of ill-health , or was subsequently sent there at Siward 's request .
6 Even Hennessy was taken by surprise at the abrupt departure , and he stood in a moment 's confusion before turning and hurrying out .
7 The now complete wagon underframe was taken by traverser to the southern side of the New Body Shop , where its body was fitted in four stages .
8 Data were recorded at clinic visits every two weeks , at which time blood was taken for measurement of fructosamine concentrations .
9 In fact , it was not until the German army invaded Holland on lo May 1940 , that any action was taken on behalf of the 26,000 non-Dutch Jews who were sheltering in and around Amsterdam .
10 The Supreme Court action was taken in response to a petition against the government 's decision submitted by the Bar Association .
11 The ombudsman shall ( in accordance with and subject to the following clauses of this scheme ) investigate any complaint received by him from an individual if : — ( a ) the complaint relates to action taken in the United Kingdom by a building society or a body associated with it ; ( b ) at the time that the complaint is received by the ombudsman , the building society or ( as the case may be ) associated body is a participant in the scheme ; ( c ) the action was taken in relation to one of the activities specified in clause 17 ; ( d ) the grounds of the complaint are included in the grounds specified in clause 18 ; and ( e ) the complainant alleges that the action has caused him pecuniary loss , expense or inconvenience . ’
12 Ulster champion jockey Paddy Graffin was taken to hospital with an injured hand after Late Stretch had fallen in the Mares Race , but he returned in time to ride Glenmavis in the final race .
13 The data was taken from trials at Silsoe College of tanker and umbilical hose systems between October 1 and March 31 in three years — 1986/7 ( average rainfall ) , 1987/8 ( wet ) and 1988/9 ( dry ) .
14 At twelve Jane was taken to England to be educated and encountered her indelible railway wagon .
15 Recruiting was taken in hand by Lord Provost Sir Thomas Dunlop and the former Lord Provost Sir Archibald McInnes .
16 The boy was taken to hospital for a painkiller and a check-up .
17 Mr Littlehales said the girl was taken into care in 1983 when she was two .
18 The very next day , on 1 November 1990 , this girl was taken into care by the Social Work Department .
19 Gemma was taken into care by Hammersmith and Fulham social services .
20 Secondly , the moment the decision to go to war was taken in Washington in November , the UN really faded out of the picture .
21 Carrie was taken by surprise at his question and her first instinct was to give him a sharp reply , but she nodded instead , catching the look of concern in Don 's deep brown eyes .
22 The assistant manager of the Holmes Cash and Carry on Boucher Crescent was taken by robbers to the warehouse in his Hyundai Pony car while his wife and child were kept hostage at home .
23 Zahira was taken by car to Harmondsworth detention centre .
24 After serving his apprenticeship as a potter , Josiah Wedgwood was taken into partnership in 1754 by Thomas Whieldon of Fenton , the greatest English potter of his time .
25 After a domestic fight , his son Matthew was taken into care by the NSPCC , and was summoned to appear before Gateshead Magistrates Court , charged with child abuse .
26 This new group was taken by coach to Liverpool before the move so that they could get to know their new managers and the methods of working before the relocation exercise .
27 This initiative was taken in Trieste in 1973 , when all patients who had undergone ‘ ergotherapy ’ in the hospital combined together as a co-operative to carry out cooking , ward work , cleaning and maintenance tasks .
28 Mr Brock was taken to hospital by ambulance .
29 Feedback gained from tutors and participants was taken into account in planning the Spring 1993 programme .
30 Sohail was taken at slip off a weak cut attempt , and Yorkshire-born Neil Mallender , 30 , Northants 1980–86 , Somerset 1987 to date , Otago 1983 to date , had his first Test wicket in his seventh over .
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