Example sentences of "[noun] was not a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Buxton was not a man to be deterred by the shipowners ' protestations that the National Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not only unrepresentative of seamen but would fail " to command support in the event of a decision of a conciliation board which did not secure the immediate approval of the persons affected " .
2 But the faction now in control in Mogadishu was not a party to that agreement .
3 There must be many in London society so rich that her inheritance was not a temptation to them ; it could not be made up only of rogues and fortune-hunters .
4 His request for an adjournment to consider this evidence and to produce scientific evidence that supported the nuns ' claim that the flock was not a threat to human health , was granted by the judges until Tuesday .
5 But Mr Riley argued that the parking on Hollyhurst Road was not a hazard to pedestrians who had to cross between parked cars instead they slowed down the speeding cars .
6 Sources say there were only really four companies behind COSE : Unix System Laboratories Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co , IBM Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc : beyond that , says the source , Santa Cruz Operation Inc had to fight to get in and the Open Software Foundation was not a party to the negotiations ; but the real power behind the throne , although it does n't want it to appear that way , was of course Novell Inc .
7 Beyond that , says the source , SCO had to fight to get in and the Open Software Foundation was not a party to the negotiations .
8 The first is the successor State , which by definition was not a party to the relevant treaty ; the second is the ‘ genuine ’ third party to a treaty concluded by the predecessor State .
9 A Boeing spokesman , Craig Martin , said that finding an equity partner for the 777 project was not a prerequisite to launching the new plane , and that the company might fund development costs from its own cash resources .
10 Dismissing a charge under section 14 , the court held that since section 14 did not deal with a sale of goods , a reference to a shop sale was not a reference to a ‘ facility ’ within the meaning of section 14 .
11 Prussia was not a power to be ignored and so , well aware of this , the Emperor decided that a further bout of personal diplomacy was called for — this time in Germany .
12 There was some truth in the Don Quixote jibe , but de Gaulle was no Rip Van Winkle : his multipolar system was not a return to the past but an updated , global version of the nineteenth-century European system .
13 During his speech at the inauguration ceremony , Sharon said that Jewish settlement was not an obstacle to peace , but was instead an obstacle to war .
14 Georgi Kirov was not a man to be overtly optimistic .
15 Indeed , if X buys goods and passes them as a gift to Y , those implied terms are of no benefit at all to Y because Y was not a party to the contract of sale , Heil v. Hedges ( 1951 ) ( K.B. ) .
16 The style in which he lived in Passy was not a style to which he had always been accustomed .
17 Notably , Novell was not a party to the call .
18 By an amended respondent 's notice the natural mother supported the local authority 's appeal on the grounds advanced by their notice of appeal and further or alternatively sought to contend that the judge ( 1 ) had been wrong in law , fact or both to hear and determine the applications for leave when the mother was not a party to the applications and was not aware of them and the judge had not been apprised properly or at all of her wishes in the matter ; ( 2 ) had acted contrary to the rules of natural justice and to section 10(9) ( d ) ( ii ) of the Act of 1989 ; and ( 3 ) ought to have required the mother to be notified of the application pursuant to rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 , rule 4.4 and Appendix III .
19 Charlotte was not a commodity to be picked up and put down at will , and so he would find .
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