Example sentences of "[noun] in which [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Cordelia , like Coriolanus , is being forced into a ceremony in which she would have to be false to her own nature .
2 Johnson , however , fully aware of the likely number of biographers he might attract before and after his death , found here a biography in which he could have a say , thus not only securing his immortality , but controlling it .
3 The second one is erm a bottom up study which is based on today 's commitments but projecting them forward into the timescale in which we will have the aircraft and looking in that way to see how many and and in what way we would need them .
4 But Budworth was an honest man , and , as such , felt a compunction for the errors in which he might have unthinkingly involved the innocent and unsuspecting female .
5 This is a series of sentences or utterances in the student 's own words about any experiences in which he may have engaged ; useful for reading for beginners ( Finocchiaro 1968 ) .
6 Maria turned clear eyes , golden-brown tonight , on Luke and said what needed to be said , eschewing preamble , cleverness and a host of other possible costumes in which she might have dressed it up .
7 One certainly would not understand that the real choice was between de facto membership of a deutschmark zone in which we would have no influence and membership of a single currency system in which we would have a stake .
8 By contrast in Kufra people did acknowledge circumstances in which they might have to unite with their enemies ; in 1978 they did in fact do so .
9 Nevertheless , on the other hand it was widely felt that the system itself denied young people opportunities and circumstances in which they could have control over their own lives and education .
10 The Court of Appeal concluded that this was a case of deliberate and secret action by the employees and the defendants in circumstances in which they must have known the exact result of what they were doing and must have known it was wrong .
11 I could not have conceived of any circumstances in which it would have been sensible for any particular political group to murder Gaitskell , and the likelihood that it was murder — in such an immensely complicated fashion — seemed to me at first blush fanciful and absurd .
12 With respect to Lloyd L.J. , when the creditor is content to leave it to the debtor to obtain the surety 's signature in circumstances in which it should have been aware that undue influence might come into play , it is not necessary to establish that the debtor was acting as agent for the bank .
13 Oxford , the scholarship , would then have been the defining influence , become the place in which he could have planted his flag and redrawn himself .
14 He thought of a Socialist future for his half country , and conceived the hope of a job in which he might have the luck to be gripped by some stupendous ire of work , trying to avoid the spectacle of the people around him and in the wet street outside , which pointed out a fraternal indifference in the world that was the last perception he cared to harbor .
15 I welcome the declaration , which is a big step forward , but , given British experience and law , we could have had a directive in which we could have taken the lead .
16 He was lowered down the main shaft and once underground tried to make his way to the area in which the missing men had been working or to any passageway in which they could have sought refuge .
17 Officers seemed to gain easier exemption from building regulations and from restrictions on landlordism ; their attempts to influence judges in cases in which they might have only an indirect interest were also reported , in private , by judges .
18 But again I think it has been unfortunate er er that recently there have been a few cases in which it would have been better not to prosecute
19 There were endless ways in which he could have made my activities seem a nuisance , positively damaging to our marriage , or — which would have been worst of all — merely trivial .
20 Commentary : where an offender is dealt with for a breach of a community service order , he must be sentenced ( if the order is revoked ) in a manner in which he could have been sentenced by the court which made the order , if he is in breach of a probation order , the court may sentence the offender as if he had just been convicted of the offence concerned .
21 Not at all the kind of surroundings in which she would have expected to find the high-profile , socially-very-much-in-demand Nathan Bryce .
22 However , it is by no means certain that either of the established parties would agree to change since they would be bidding away long-term electoral advantage in return for a short-term in office in a coalition government in which they might have only limited power .
23 Outside directors and company bosses disagreed most strongly over whether non-executives should help develop business strategy , and over the sort of decisions in which they should have the final say .
24 He wrote a poem about his friend Francis Thompson , and in it there are many echoes of his own sad youth in which he must have wondered often if his mind would flower too late for good .
25 They had come , they said , to take Klein to lunch and to have a friendly discussion about a matter in which he might have a mutual interest .
26 This case differs from the case in which the agent cognitively agreed , i.e. expressed a belief that a person has certain rights in a situation in which he should have known that the hearer may reasonably rely on the utterance to his detriment .
27 I conclude that after a short interregnum , which they have richly deserved and when the full regime of paid helpers may be set up , they will revert to taking an active part in the physical care of the plaintiff as well in the mental care in which they will have remained ever present .
28 Cos that I must say that was the way in which we would have wished to have proceeded with the discussion .
29 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
30 I would rely on Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev that the only possible way in which they could have reached the eminence they have today is through membership of the party .
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