Example sentences of "[noun] in [art] [adj] [noun pl] a " in BNC.

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1 They point to the structural changes in business groups , relationships and so on — and foresee that , as women take their place in the senior ranks a profound change will take place in the nature of work , childcare and maternity.What Naisbitt and Aburdene forecast is effectively a new work ethic .
2 Little research has yet been carried out on controls of brittle fracture within the subsurface , although Bj rlykke ( 1983 ) attributed cement dissolution ( and consequent secondary porosity generation ) to overpressuring , with subsequent cementation in the overlying strata a consequence of pressure release .
3 To most people in the rural areas a car and a radio , and even electric power , remained luxuries they could not afford .
4 There were to accompany the army corps a number of shipwrights , caulkers , sailmakers and six hundred seamen , who [ would ] have settled at Cowes and Yarmouth for the winter , and built with the timber in the local yards a large quantity of gun-sloops …
5 For example , whereas land rights were inherited through the mother in the matrilineal systems a father could leave economic trees to his sons , thereby providing them with a small independent base .
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