Example sentences of "[noun] in [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This design is rarely found outside Persia , although India now produces rugs in traditional Persian herati schemes .
2 So when faced with pay demands in some public services Chancellor Denis Healey did not print the extra money but went strictly by the book .
3 It is selling its 20% stake in American cellular communications group McCaw to AT & T and there is speculation that it will use the proceeds to mop up Cellnet .
4 Since appearing on a BBC Christmas programme from Pebble Mill in 1981 Fine Arts Brass has built up a long and varied list of TV and radio credits , including its own series of light entertainment shows on BBC Radio 4 , now in its third series .
5 The arts were represented in the CNAA both as elements in some combined humanities courses , and increasingly in teacher education courses .
6 These developments are studied through field work in four social services departments .
7 Those authorities with a high proportion in low social classes resident within their area both devote a higher proportion of their income to education than do authorities with higher social class constituencies , and spend their money on primary education rather than secondary education ; the reverse being true of ‘ high social class ’ authorities .
8 Pornography — like homosexuality , which he has similarly crusaded against — is an ambiguous activity and creates very marginal offences in any standard police hierarchy of crimes .
9 Despite the difficulties in changing attitudes outlined in this chapter , there is little doubt that workers in mainstream social services provision were more prepared to accept the idea and practical implications of integration provision than those in mainstream education .
10 Training and development work with social workers in several social services departments identified a number of essential core principles which clustered around three different levels of practice : social work practice ; interprofessional or multidisciplinary practice ; management practice .
11 And at some point in those looming weeks space would be found to report what had become of Samantha Abberley , only daughter of the recently deceased chairman and managing director of Ladram Avionics .
12 And it was quite a career , capped 32 times at stand-off or centre , playing with distinction in two British Lions tours .
13 Illustrious career : McGeechan was capped 32 times at stand-off or centre and played with distinction in two British Lions tours
14 With alternating success and failure in various new plays Philip Drew once again toured the country .
15 Finally , some key workers were apprehensive because they saw care programming as one step towards making them responsible for purchasing care , like budget-holding care managers in some social services authorities .
16 Its two belugas and four Pacific dolphins enjoy three million gallons of sea water in 170,000 square feet pool .
17 As a result , writers have often resorted to ad hoc explanations of changes in the typical characteristics , or confined their explanations to changes in institutional industrial relations variables , as , for example , in accounting for the outbreak of conflict in hitherto peaceful industries .
18 Because of the early onset of modern economic development in these two countries workers ' experience with industrial capitalism was slower and the transition period longer than was the case in most of Northern and Central Europe ( Kassalow , 1982 ) .
19 J. In some popular places tourists may spoil the landscape for themselves , usually by overuse , or by their cars or caravans spoiling the scenery .
20 I first met him when , after retirement , he took part in some current affairs programme about Britain and the Common Market .
21 Many of them have taken part in earlier Himalayan Kingdoms ventures , including Broad Peak , Changtse ( Everest 's northern outlier ) and Himalchuli .
22 First , policies in some social services departments bear the hallmarks of residualism and tertiary level work , though such terms are not used ( McCarthy , 1989 ) .
23 The value of returns in any six months period will be limited to 12% of the gross invoiced sales achieved in the previous six months .
24 Biotechnology will surely play a vital role in any future chemicals industry .
25 The core subjects — management , accountancy , law and economics — are pivotal to a successful career in any financial services area .
26 Kings Quest II and III are available in CGA and ‘ low resolution ’ EGA mode , Kings Quest IV in CGA and high resolution , and Kings Quest V in separate hi res EGA and 256 colour VGA versions , plus a super-duper CD Rom version which is a full ‘ multimedia ’ product .
27 To maintain a high level of performance in modern parallel architectures HPF also provides non-uniform memory access capabilities .
28 All five matches in this Public Schools Golfing Societies Foursomes Festival went to the 18th except for the Sean Baguley–Tim Jenkins 3 and 2 Tonbridge triumph against Ian Timberlake and Rodney James .
29 It considers the relationship between the statutory provisions on worker involvement in occupational health and safety and developments in related industrial relations matters such as trade union recognition , worker representative training and aspects of collective bargaining and joint consultation relating to specific hazards in the selected industry .
30 Thirdly , there is a divergent trend in contemporary social services departments which has implications for preventive work : diversion and minimum interventions for vulnerable families where child abuse is not an issue compared with net-widening and multidisciplinary interventions when child abuse is identified .
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