Example sentences of "[noun] in [adj] [adj] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This design is rarely found outside Persia , although India now produces rugs in traditional Persian herati schemes .
2 So when faced with pay demands in some public services Chancellor Denis Healey did not print the extra money but went strictly by the book .
3 It is selling its 20% stake in American cellular communications group McCaw to AT & T and there is speculation that it will use the proceeds to mop up Cellnet .
4 Since appearing on a BBC Christmas programme from Pebble Mill in 1981 Fine Arts Brass has built up a long and varied list of TV and radio credits , including its own series of light entertainment shows on BBC Radio 4 , now in its third series .
5 The arts were represented in the CNAA both as elements in some combined humanities courses , and increasingly in teacher education courses .
6 These developments are studied through field work in four social services departments .
7 Those authorities with a high proportion in low social classes resident within their area both devote a higher proportion of their income to education than do authorities with higher social class constituencies , and spend their money on primary education rather than secondary education ; the reverse being true of ‘ high social class ’ authorities .
8 Pornography — like homosexuality , which he has similarly crusaded against — is an ambiguous activity and creates very marginal offences in any standard police hierarchy of crimes .
9 Despite the difficulties in changing attitudes outlined in this chapter , there is little doubt that workers in mainstream social services provision were more prepared to accept the idea and practical implications of integration provision than those in mainstream education .
10 Training and development work with social workers in several social services departments identified a number of essential core principles which clustered around three different levels of practice : social work practice ; interprofessional or multidisciplinary practice ; management practice .
11 And at some point in those looming weeks space would be found to report what had become of Samantha Abberley , only daughter of the recently deceased chairman and managing director of Ladram Avionics .
12 And it was quite a career , capped 32 times at stand-off or centre , playing with distinction in two British Lions tours .
13 Illustrious career : McGeechan was capped 32 times at stand-off or centre and played with distinction in two British Lions tours
14 With alternating success and failure in various new plays Philip Drew once again toured the country .
15 Finally , some key workers were apprehensive because they saw care programming as one step towards making them responsible for purchasing care , like budget-holding care managers in some social services authorities .
16 Its two belugas and four Pacific dolphins enjoy three million gallons of sea water in 170,000 square feet pool .
17 As a result , writers have often resorted to ad hoc explanations of changes in the typical characteristics , or confined their explanations to changes in institutional industrial relations variables , as , for example , in accounting for the outbreak of conflict in hitherto peaceful industries .
18 J. In some popular places tourists may spoil the landscape for themselves , usually by overuse , or by their cars or caravans spoiling the scenery .
19 I first met him when , after retirement , he took part in some current affairs programme about Britain and the Common Market .
20 Many of them have taken part in earlier Himalayan Kingdoms ventures , including Broad Peak , Changtse ( Everest 's northern outlier ) and Himalchuli .
21 First , policies in some social services departments bear the hallmarks of residualism and tertiary level work , though such terms are not used ( McCarthy , 1989 ) .
22 Biotechnology will surely play a vital role in any future chemicals industry .
23 The core subjects — management , accountancy , law and economics — are pivotal to a successful career in any financial services area .
24 Kings Quest II and III are available in CGA and ‘ low resolution ’ EGA mode , Kings Quest IV in CGA and high resolution , and Kings Quest V in separate hi res EGA and 256 colour VGA versions , plus a super-duper CD Rom version which is a full ‘ multimedia ’ product .
25 To maintain a high level of performance in modern parallel architectures HPF also provides non-uniform memory access capabilities .
26 All five matches in this Public Schools Golfing Societies Foursomes Festival went to the 18th except for the Sean Baguley–Tim Jenkins 3 and 2 Tonbridge triumph against Ian Timberlake and Rodney James .
27 It considers the relationship between the statutory provisions on worker involvement in occupational health and safety and developments in related industrial relations matters such as trade union recognition , worker representative training and aspects of collective bargaining and joint consultation relating to specific hazards in the selected industry .
28 Thirdly , there is a divergent trend in contemporary social services departments which has implications for preventive work : diversion and minimum interventions for vulnerable families where child abuse is not an issue compared with net-widening and multidisciplinary interventions when child abuse is identified .
29 The most explicit was that of John Goodwin of Over Winchendon , ‘ landes in this shere vijli viijs and in all other shires of England xijli ’ .
30 Labour voters have not changed their minds in such high numbers 83pc of them will still vote Labour and only six per cent have switched to the Tories or to the Liberal Democrats .
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