Example sentences of "[noun] and for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The system , which is also used for the borrowing and lending of stock and for the pledging of stock as collateral for short-term loans , has proved popular and , by late-1991 , some 70% of all outstanding gilt-edged stock was held in accounts with the CGO .
2 He applied to be joined in the proceedings as a defendant and for a stay of the possession order .
3 The IPR 's main objectives are : ( a ) to promote the development of public relations for the benefit of the practice in commerce ; industry , central and local government ; nationalized undertakings ; professional , trade , and voluntary organizations and for the benefit of all practitioners , and others concerned in or with public relations ; ( b ) to encourage and foster the observance of high professional standards by its members and to establish and prescribe such standards ; ( c ) to arrange meetings , discussions , conferences , etc , on matters of common interest , and generally to act as a clearing house for the exchange of ideas on the practice of public relations .
4 Voting was also held for all State Assembly seats in Haryana and West Bengal and for a number of State Assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh .
5 Finally , on April 10 it was given out that the government had agreed to the opposition 's main demands for the rapid legalization of political parties and for an amnesty for political activists .
6 Much of the language behaviour of the speakers described in this book can be characterised as code switching between those two systems , but it is also clear that " English " and " Creole " interact at many other levels , both for these speakers and for the community as a whole .
7 ‘ That money is for my future and for the future of my little girl ! ’
8 Basic research is an essential foundation for applied research and for the exploitation of technology in a society that seeks to be industrially competitive in a rapidly changing world .
9 The new department will have responsibility for the Dutch Institute for Energy Research , the Dutch end of the European Space Agency , the Institute for Marine Research and for the promotion of microelectronics , and biotechnology .
10 The sisters and their assailants , who went to McDonalds and for a walk through the city together , had also exchanged addresses .
11 Formed in 1848 , the group included artists such as Edward Burne-Jones , Dante Gabriel Rossetti and William Holman Hunt — artists with a predilection for brilliant jewel colours , glowing and opalescent , for mythical , religious and literary subjects and for the imagery of love .
12 Secondly , there is distortion introduced in the power amplifier following conversion since unavoidable rise and fall times of the output power stage introduce non-linearity if they are not equal which , in practice and for a number of reasons , they will not be .
13 King Hussein of Jordan , in a televised message to the US Congress and people on Sept. 23 , called for immediate withdrawal of the multinational force and for the pursuit of a solution in an Arab context .
14 Demanded that Iraq " rescind its orders for the closure " of diplomatic and consular offices in Kuwait and for the withdrawal of diplomatic immunity from their staff .
15 It is possible to overdo the effect and for the appearance of the reception area to become something of an ‘ ego trip ’ for the head teacher .
16 For example , in April 1978 , the Bank of England asked banks to provide finance ‘ for both working capital and fixed investment by manufacturing industry and for the expansion of exports and the saving of imports ’ .
17 The use of irradiation is a limited specialist application , mainly confined to certain parts of the dairy industry and for the treatment of shellfish , for which ultra violet light is used .
18 We return to this issue when we discuss the implications of greater numbers surviving into their eighties and nineties both for the survivors and for the society at large .
19 Provision will be made for the conduct of the business of the offeree during the period , if any , between signing and completion and for the right for the acquirer to terminate the contract if any major changes occur or breaches of warranty are discovered during such period .
20 For six of these ( 24 per cent ) the duration of their last job was less than 12 months and for the group as a whole the average was less than 17 months .
21 3.1 The Author hereby warrants that the Publisher is the owner of the copyright in the Script and for the avoidance of doubt the Author hereby confirms the assignment to the Publisher of the copyright ( and future copyright ) arising in respect of the Script
22 3.1 The Author hereby warrants that the Publisher is the owner of the copyright in the Script and for the avoidance of doubt the Author hereby confirms the assignment to the Publisher of the copyright ( and future copyright ) arising in respect of the Script
23 Yet reference for the purposes of judicial review and for the purposes of construction are indistinguishable .
24 We will press for higher EC standards for the keeping of battery hens and for the care of animals in transit .
25 We do not have any neat theory of the atonement , but we know this that on the cross Christ died for our sins and for the atonement of the world .
26 The spatial query language tools which a GIS uses for general interaction with spatial data and for the elucidation of spatial relationships have also been the subject of recent research ( Egenhofer 1989 ) .
27 This course is unique in providing vocational training suitable for specialist physical education posts in schools and for a range of professional roles in the leisure industry .
28 They found themselves rubbing shoulders with right-wing MPs , the same who in 1984 organised a million-strong demonstration in support of private schools and for the right of the parents to choose , and who today declare themselves staunch supporters of the state secular education system .
29 These devices are useful for experimenting with different map designs and for the production of ‘ temporary ’ maps .
30 By the early 1970s , it remained true that the Labour Party was identified with the interests of the working classes , with the need for a reduction in class barriers and for the maintenance of the welfare system .
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