Example sentences of "[noun] and in the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One could propose BSL as appropriate in a class learning politics , or economics , or geography and in the same school find a signed English form in the teaching of English or science , or foreign languages .
2 CATCHEM emerged in 1986 , four years after Susan Maxwell 's murder and in the same year as Sarah Harper 's .
3 The other Territorial unit manned by the Works was the Royal Bucks Hussars , also part of the 2nd South Midland Brigade and in the same theatre as the Stony Stratford Ambulance .
4 When she saw them she was going to tell them about the tea and in the same breath demand to know what they had found and why Cobalt had anticipated finding anything in the Villa Fiesole .
5 The anus should be immediately above the vulva and in the same plane .
6 A reply was then received from Mr Quarry but the proposed ground rent of £15 a year was considered too high and another effort was made to get from the Baroness von Steiglitz some ground at the corner of what is now Carrickblacker Avenue and in the same field where the existing Tabernacle stood .
7 Two adjacent tracks begin with almost identical motifs and in the same key ( tracks 16 & 17 ) , and it might have been better to place another work between them ; however , this is a small criticism of a thoughtfully prepared and magnificently played programme .
8 All samples were assayed in duplicate and in the same assay .
9 Detailed scrutiny of these and other markings reveals that , at the cloud tops , the atmosphere moves around Venus predominantly in an east-west ( zonal ) direction and in the same direction that Venus rotates , taking about 4 to 5 days to encircle Venus once .
10 the Business has been carried on in the ordinary and usual course and in the same manner ( including nature and scope ) as in the past and no unusual or abnormal contract differing from the ordinary contracts necessitated by the nature of its business has been entered into ; and
11 And the context in which this was er argued er was er the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba , a C I A American supported invasion , er which er failed very badly but which certainly indicated the American desire to get rid of Castro and er Khrushchev was asserting in effect that he had as much right to defend an ally as the United States had er to defend erm its allies and in the same sort of way .
12 And the context in which this was er argued er was er the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba , a C I A American supported invasion , er which er failed very badly but which certainly indicated the American desire to get rid of Castro and er Khrushchev was asserting in effect that he had as much right to defend an ally as the United States had er to defend erm its allies and in the same sort of way .
13 Anyway since editing is the main problem , what we 're going to do this afternoon is , actually , I 'm going to show you another video and again it 's a very controversial one , again it 's used in , in teaching situations , again it has a biased point of view in the sense that it 's produced by National Power , er clearly as a P R job for introduction into schools erm and I want you to do the same exercise , but this time I want us to edit them among ourselves and what I 'm going to do is to get you to wri write your reviews and then we 'll divide into small groups , while you 're watching it I 'll co I 'll count how , however many people we 've got here , we 'll copy the reviews and in the same groups I want you to edit one another 's reviews and then er discuss them within the groups once you 've , once you 've marked them so we 'll get into the small , we 'll do the review we 'll write the review and then we will er , I distribute the , you can go and have a cup of coffee while we copy them , then we 'll distribute them , you can mark them , er individually on your own and then we 'll get into a group and you can criticize one another 's reviews , we 'll take them one at a time , we 'll probably be in groups of four , okay , but I 'll see , I 'll see how many , what the most suitable number is , okay so , if you , would you be kind enough to that
14 In July 1880 Taylor was made deacon and in the same month he sailed for East Africa , to the Nyanza mission , under the auspices of the Church Missionary Society .
15 In 1992 , was awarded the Mark Jones Memorial Scholarship to assist with postgraduate studies and in the same year , was invited by conductor Elgar Howarth , to be soloist in the Trumpet Concerto by Michael Blake Watkins with the National Youth Orchestra of Wales .
16 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
17 The skill can be learned as a whole and in the same sequence as normally performed in practice .
18 The fleece comes in rust and in the same sizes as the jacket ( above ) .
19 During February visitors came from the Byelorussian Academy of Sciences and in the same month there was an official visit by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Ministry for State Education .
20 The second prohibited steps order prevented the mother from having any verbal or personal contact or contact by correspondence with the father and in the same way prohibited the father from having any form of contact with the mother .
21 As Elizabeth Roberts has remarked , older women will refer to the hardness of their lot as young wives and in the same breath claim that ‘ they were good times ’ .
22 In November Jovic , then President of the Collective State Presidency , visited South Korea and Japan to discuss bilateral economic co-operation and in the same month met Soviet President Gorbachev to discuss the internal development of both the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia , and the positive role of non-aligned Yugoslavia in relation to international politics .
23 In control tests , vehicle ( saline ) was infused at the same volume and in the same manner as in tests with bFGF .
24 Some are so widely separated that their motion relative to each other is too small to be measured at all , and all we can really say is that they are travelling through space together , at the same rate and in the same direction .
25 In Attorney General v Squire , it was held that obnoxious odours from pigs kept by the defendants , and arising from the number of animals , the place in which they were kept , and the food with which they were fed , were such as to create a public nuisance , and in Attorney General v Cole and Son noxious gases created by the defendant carrying on the trade of fat-melter were also held to be a public nuisance despite the fact that the defendant had carried on his trade , in a proper manner and in the same way for 30 years .
26 Saline was also used as vehicle and was administered in the same manner and in the same volume as the test substances .
27 Runcorn ( 1964 ) , another sizeable township of 28,000 population , followed for Merseyside and in the same year Washington largely filled in the gap between South Tyneside and Sunderland .
28 It features beautiful and accurate facsimiles of the treasures of Tutankhamun , including the famous gold burial mask , specially produced for the Exhibition , many of which have been made from the same materials and in the same way as the originals .
29 With × 20 it is not hard to locate , somewhat to the northwest of Zeta and in the same field with it ; I can glimpse it with × 12 and suspect it with × 8.5 , though I have never been able to see it with any lower magnification .
30 In July of that year he followed the Toolmakers ' Society into the merger which created the Amalgamated Engineering Union and in the same month became a founder-member of the Communist party of Great Britain , in which the BSP was absorbed .
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