Example sentences of "[noun] and put [pron] into [art] " in BNC.

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1 She got the revolver off the back seat and put it into the glove compartment with the cartridges .
2 Not until the two men were out of sight did the highwayman turn his horse and put it into a gallop along the track that passed near to the hollow where Seb and Melody were kneeling .
3 Now Barbara has gathered her comprehensive knowledge of the Southeast 's furnishing and decorating scene and put it into the second edition of The Ideal Home Design Sourcebook .
4 In fact , she thought , tonsure his greying hair and put him into a plain robe and he would have passed for a tubby , somewhat benign-looking monk .
5 She disinterred two frozen TV dinners from the big freezer in the basement and put them into the oven to heat .
6 As I clambered into the boat , moored near her big yacht , Lucy took the bottles of beer and Coca-Cola and put them into an open net bag which she lowered over the side , tying the net with a long rope to a hook on the gunwale .
7 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
8 Taking the roll of tools out of my stout and well travelled haversack , I unscrewed the plate with only a little difficulty and put it into the haversack .
9 A default colour palette will be displayed on the screen from which you select colours for your woolbox , rather like going into a shop , choosing cones of different colour yarns and putting them into a bag to take home !
10 Well , take your plate into the kitchen and put it into the sink .
11 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
12 ‘ Maud , ’ said Miss Hardbroom , ‘ would you please remove that frog from the jar and put it into the box in the cupboard ?
13 A rewarded training trial consisted of transporting a rat in a slowly rotating opaque box from an adjoining room and putting it into the arena at and facing the centre of the N , S , E or W side-wall ( shown as an unfilled circle ) from which it could move around freely until it found the F+ feeder ; a non-rewarded trial lasted 60s and was conducted without either landmarks or feeders .
14 It reminds us of the idea that , while we have carved up knowledge and put it into the hands of separate academic professions , ultimately all knowledge is bound up together .
15 Where they become problematic , especially for members of marginalized cultural groups , is in what they begin to mean if we take them out of the pristine hot-house of the academy and put them into the messy struggles of day-to-day life .
16 Remove the remaining needles and put them into the ‘ outside needles ’ jar .
17 4 By the end of the week , I rubberband the treat food dish onto the end of an extra perch and put it into the cage through the door .
18 Grate the rind from one of the grapefruit and put it into a baking dish , together with the shallots and wine .
19 At other places people have often sought to reduce casualties by carrying the toads across the road and putting them into the breeding pond , but as often as not the toads they put into the pond were moving out of it rather than in , so the toads have to run the gauntlet of the road a second time .
20 Peel and core the fruit , cut it into crescent-moon slices and put it into the dish .
21 Using the trowel she chipped at the ground outside the door , prising cold earth from among the prickly stems and broken bricks , gathering it with her hands and putting it into the bucket .
22 I TOOK the little cinder that was the remains of the wasp and put it into a matchbox , wrapped in an old photograph of Eric with my father .
23 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
24 Cover the bowl and put it into the fridge for about 10 minutes , so that the gelatine just begins to set .
25 Then more seriously , after he had crumpled up the paper sandwich bag and put it into the waste bin , he said , ‘ You 'll find , Kit — it 's Christian names , eh , Kit and Alec ? — that the inhabitants of Koraloona are the kindest people on earth .
26 He 'll probably take them over the Carron and put them into the coille torr , the forest there , for the night .
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